20000 views in 48 hours.

I have a 2 silly questions. Why do you keep updating how may views your video has? How does that add any meaningful content to this forum?
I happen to think that what pgaucher does is very inspirational. It makes me want to take my UAV and shoot some more video.I'm sure I'm not the only one. Kudos to him and his views online. He started the thread and entitled to do what he wants as long as it doesn't violate forum rules.
Reactions: sdjackaerial
Thanks for the note. Happy you enjoy the videos. Fellow members do have a point however and I am ok with all sorts of feedback, the good and the constructive. Take care and cheers.
Reactions: sdjackaerial
Many pilots wouldn't take snarky sarcastic crap so well. You're the man, Patrice.