What else can I mount on this thing?

Mar 20, 2014
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Boston, MA
So I got my hands in 3M Dual Lock and the stuff is awesome. It can hold 2.2lbs per square inch at 200F for 10,000 hours.

It's great because it makes attachments removable (takes two hands but that's a good thing).

I've added a strip of this stuff to the back of the bird and so far I've mounted a searchlight back there and LED strobe, interchangeable.

It got me thinking: what else would be interesting to attach /mount and put airborne?

Flir camera + Tx is one for sure. Loud speaker? Confetti release?

Anyone got any other ideas?

Reactions: sirnikolas
Someone suggested a laser pointer for SAR. Maybe not a great idea due to potential eye damage though.