J J John W. Dec 11, 2016 Hey Martin, thank you for your reply to my first post. I tried to attach the video. Can you let me know if the YouTube link is showing up now?
Hey Martin, thank you for your reply to my first post. I tried to attach the video. Can you let me know if the YouTube link is showing up now?
I I Inspire1user Jun 12, 2015 I'm interested in the Inspire 1 case you are making and read that you might be finished end of May. Just wondering how it's coming? Thanks.
I'm interested in the Inspire 1 case you are making and read that you might be finished end of May. Just wondering how it's coming? Thanks.
Phatzo Feb 17, 2015 inspire 1, Hexa with mikrokopter electronics and an Octocopter to finish with bigger gimbal