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  1. L

    For Sale: Mounting Kit for Carbon Fiber Propellers. Fits Inspire 1 or 2, Matrice

    Advert removed by moderator pending approved vendor status
  2. J

    Osmo Pro 15mm/X5 Adapter with Extra Batteries! $2000.00

    Have the Osmo with the x5 and the adapter with about 6 batteries. We ended up buying a DJI Ronin. Only used 4 times.
  3. Rocco Z

    Interesting video showing X5 adapter and X5 Z-axis stabilization arm.

    What do you guys think? Also, is this a different Z-axis accessory than the one advertised for the X3 on the DJI Webpage?
  4. L

    3D Printed X5/Osmo Adapter

    Anyone have any suggestions? There are a few on eBay. Some cheap, one is $100.