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50 Deaths Caused by Hot Air Balloons

Jun 2, 2015
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Over the last decade, from 2005 til present, there have been a combined 50 deaths caused by hot air balloons to both passengers, and people on the ground.
Should there be stricter regs for hot air balloons?

You are definitely more likely to get bit by a shark than hit with a uav?
(should we kill all the sharks to make sure no one gets bit?)

I have been looking really hard and can't find any deaths cause by UAV's during that same span?
Am I just a bad "searcher" or are there not any to find?

Someone please post some links of UAV related deaths because I cannot figure out why they are getting such horrendous HATE.

Is there any way for us to get into the Law Maker's ear and show them some stats (before) they make them?
(right now I'm sure they are only hearing "bad" things about us).
In theory I completely agree (Although, one big reason we're fighting such a hard battle, is the military use of UAV's with weapons attached to them...so there's some deaths there). You stand as good a chance dying doing literally any other activity possible as you do being around a UAV, as long as you're not the enemy of a military who is using it to blow you up..

I've heard of a couple of people killing themselves by accident with RC, one was flying a glider and the other a heli. But to my knowledge no bystandards.

The issue is similar to the whole weed/alcohol debate. It's pretty obvious that alcohol is far more dangerous, however, the argument people hold to is "why take the risk, it's only adding to what else is out there". Which itself is full of holes, but I think that's the perception.

I think we need a few amazing stories of UAV's doing amazingly good things to help shift the general public opinion.

I have a hard time believing that any positive laws will come before the industry is fully regulated (License required to fly, registration of craft, junk like that).
Over the last decade, from 2005 til present, there have been a combined 50 deaths caused by hot air balloons to both passengers, and people on the ground.
Should there be stricter regs for hot air balloons?

You are definitely more likely to get bit by a shark than hit with a uav?
(should we kill all the sharks to make sure no one gets bit?)

I have been looking really hard and can't find any deaths cause by UAV's during that same span?
Am I just a bad "searcher" or are there not any to find?

Someone please post some links of UAV related deaths because I cannot figure out why they are getting such horrendous HATE.

Is there any way for us to get into the Law Maker's ear and show them some stats (before) they make them?
(right now I'm sure they are only hearing "bad" things about us).
Unfortunately the news is filled with stories of people doing silly things with their AC. Since they can fly in places where manned aircraft move, it's understandable that people will see red and shout about their opinions. Heck, you are hard pressed to have a week go by where someone has caught the public eye doing exactly what they shouldn't. So... Drones have a bad name, or is it the irresponsible pilots who vie for the title?

Shame all the same
Unfortunately the news is filled with stories of people doing silly things with their AC. Since they can fly in places where manned aircraft move, it's understandable that people will see red and shout about their opinions. Heck, you are hard pressed to have a week go by where someone has caught the public eye doing exactly what they shouldn't. So... Drones have a bad name, or is it the irresponsible pilots who vie for the title?

Shame all the same

Thanks for the reply Pottertown, I was thinking the same thing -

I agree Jon, and just like these boards where there is a problem posted out of thousands of folks not having problems. It really can skew opinions on the I1and UAVs in general when all we hear is bad about them. Guys who are doing "good" with UAVs should be showing the press the "good".
The evil word "DRONE" it is kinda obvious to me why we are targeted, the ease at which one can purchase one, the realative ease that they fly, the publicity it makes sense. Think about it RC aircraft can do everything we do with multirotors, they can do it faster, longer, they can be built to carry heavy payloads with the use of real turbo jet engines, travel way way speedy, everything you could want and more. I mean you could build a 1/26th scale size mig power it by a jetcat engine add all the telemetry and gps hardware we have all of the FPV gear you could dream of and fly it into, I don't know a building, another aircraft carrying a rather large HE charge. Problem with that is the investment is way more than our "pocket change" of 3K for an I1. We wont even go into the fact that you have to "fly" it just like an airplane, the whole rules of flight apply here. It the availability of easy flight that draws the knot heads to multirotors. It drew me an RC fan my whole life, I raced cars and boats and then one day I thought I want a cheap easy to fly helicopter. The moment I took too the air the ground lost all interest. Sold all the RC land based **** and built an F550........ We will kill our own sport, when we fail to control ourselves and refuse to try and make others be responsible for their carless acts, rest assured someone will do it for us at a cost to us all.

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