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Beach footage precautions and post maintenance

Apr 1, 2015
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Hi everyone, Im now planning a little trip to the coast of my small but incredible country (Ecuador) and i was wondering what kind of precaution and post maintenance you do when you fly in that kind of enviroment, I mean sand, salty wind, etc

well, i did a "hand catch" in my trip trought the mountains, it isnt so hard as it may looks, about taking of, im thinking doing it from my car's roof also if its close enought

what you think about salty wind?

how can i remove the salt i will get everywhere couse of sea breeze? WD40 after shooting?
careful taking off from a car roof, the ferrous metal could throw the mag off.

I land in sand all the time, it doesnt really seem to get into the motors. Salt may do though, and that will be a real pain in the ***.
WD 40?? No way!! That's good stuff but not for electrical. Canned air would be better. Endust and other computer/electronics cleaners would be way better.
I disagree, WD40 is a computer geek's dream fix. If you dump anything in to sea water or fly alot in salty environments WD 40 is the way to go. Spray a conservative amount on to the electrical mechanisms. Make sure that you wait a day or two, then make sure everything is dry by using canned air before you energize it.
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I disagree, WD40 is a computer geek's dream fix. If you dump anything in to sea water or fly alot in salty environments WD 40 is the way to go. Spray a conservative amount on to the electrical mechanisms. Make sure that you wait a day or two, then make sure everything is dry by using canned air before you energize it.
WD-40 can break down plastic and rubber causing it to become brittle. There are a lot of small pieces of plastic holding the whole thing together. It is also conductive (bad for electronics) as well as flammable (don't turn it on for days). It also leaves oil behind... I would not put WD-40 anywhere on or even near my quads. WD40 Does make an electrical spray like I was mentioning though.
And if I'm at the beach I take off from the case which I lay on a towel and always I handcatch for landing. #notEnrique
WD 40 Water Dispensing 40-weight solvent. Put in an arial can and sold to the public. It woks great removing the glue from duck tap. Spray a bit on a cloth and slowly remove the glue.

With that said. Dirt and sand sticks to oil...... Never ever use it on your drone.

And if you splash our drone wash it with denatured alcohol.
Aloha I have + 350, 70% or more over water, I live really close to the beach. I do have a major problem with corrosion. All screw are in bade shape but I'm not willing to send back my Inspire 1 for 8 weeks to change it. I try to clean them as soon as possible but still its a huge problem for my. If you have any subjection ... I will really appreciated. Mahalo
This stuff was recommended to me by a guy on RC Groups and it seems to work really well.


I fly over salt water 90% of the time anywhere from 400' up down to 2' above the water. Not rust or corrosion yet. It probably helps I'm meticulous cleaning it after every flight.

Have you thought about writing up a "How to clean your inspire" thread?
I totally wouldn't mind reading it!
Sorry to bump into a thread that has nothing to do with OP. But I flown from a beach in Spain, and found some people just do liked to be filmed even with a small camera and no zoom. Even had to land during filming at a hotel, some Z listed "celebrity" lady was there with a young man, clearly not her husband.

The data protections laws are being the norm in the west, hopefully SA is a lot more relaxed. And post videos! Love Ecuador, some of the best steaks I've ever tasted.
...ok, based on a tiny island ,i get salt all over...all the time, plz note:
Wd40? Only with a cue tip, to cleand around and inside metal bolts/screws NEVER SPRAY
Also a BIG NOPE on Canned air, canned isopropyl alcohol, or any stuff CANNED, will FREEZE all plastic and metal, and will destroy plastic and parts as they loose flexibility and elasticity, they may brake the part on your hand, belive me...I'm already witness how canned isopropyl alcohol freeze an old Phantom letting me with crumble plastic and a pile of rubbish.

DO NOT FREEZE your drone by canned air/alcohol etc...
soft rug and silicone will protect plastic and cover metal parts as well.
Avoid sand and dirt on take off and landing, carry a land strip, better if yellow or white, to see departure point from sky high, and avoid wondering when in trouble, dive and land into strip.
regular inspection must be part of the after landing/home task.
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Beach conditions....humm, i know
Aloha I have + 350, 70% or more over water, I live really close to the beach. I do have a major problem with corrosion. All screw are in bade shape but I'm not willing to send back my Inspire 1 for 8 weeks to change it. I try to clean them as soon as possible but still its a huge problem for my. If you have any subjection ... I will really appreciated. Mahalo
Beach conditions, humm, I'm easter island based, Aloha nui to you too (iorana actually)
seems good idea to providethebird with some ^sacrificial anode^.
just attach tinier pieces of alluminum, to non moving parts in order to reduce chemical oxidation, as salt droplets are electrically charged and love to rust everyting.
...Please do not cover the aircraft in alluminum foil, I'm suggesting tini balls of alluminum foil inside the hex bolts and wheres rust.
also clear coat of nailpolish, help.
luckily i can change rusted parts on the s900 without ruining guarantee.

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