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Close call with an Inspire Drone from manned airplane.

I was out at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge just about a year ago and I'd just returned to camp some 5 miles west of the refuge, along the Pony Express Overland Stage Trail road (dirt), and just at sunset I see one then a second FB-111 scream past at about 500AGL -- maybe even less. I didn't have my Inspire 1 Pro at the time and the place where I was staying is right at the boundary of the Dugway Proving Grounds so I don't know that I would have been able to fly even if I had it, but if I had there is ZERO chance I'd have been able to react quickly enough to avoid an impact if it were flying my way. Hell, at the speed they were going the plane was past me before I heard anything.

At the point I saw them they were travelling at a heading of about 230 degrees and when they crossed the road, which marks the boundary, they were still screaming along at, ballpark, 550mph and at 500 feet or less. Now, by my understanding that's breaking the law, but as a former USAF person myself it was freaking cool seeing them scream by.


There is a lot of restricted use airspace in that area.

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I was out at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge just about a year ago and I'd just returned to camp some 5 miles west of the refuge, along the Pony Express Overland Stage Trail road (dirt), and just at sunset I see one then a second FB-111 scream past at about 500AGL -- maybe even less. I didn't have my Inspire 1 Pro at the time and the place where I was staying is right at the boundary of the Dugway Proving Grounds so I don't know that I would have been able to fly even if I had it, but if I had there is ZERO chance I'd have been able to react quickly enough to avoid an impact if it were flying my way. Hell, at the speed they were going the plane was past me before I heard anything.

At the point I saw them they were travelling at a heading of about 230 degrees and when they crossed the road, which marks the boundary, they were still screaming along at, ballpark, 550mph and at 500 feet or less. Now, by my understanding that's breaking the law, but as a former USAF person myself it was freaking cool seeing them scream by.


I think in an FB-111 vs Inspire fight, the FB-111 would win. Wouldn't want to see what happens if an FB-11 ingests an Inspire in its turbofan duct, though... that might get messy.
In his book, "Once a Fighter Pilot," the author, then AF Capt. Jerry Cook recalls an incident during a high speed, low level pass in Vietnam where one of the F-4s in his flight cut a palm tree in half with its wing, sustaining significant damage but able to fly back to base nonetheless.
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Not entirely surprising. These are aircraft designed with the assumption that they will be shot at, in anger. Now, the Bell 210 that buzzbombed my house would not fare so well against one of my tall pine trees, and he was awful close!
Then you need Tail numbers and footage!, Pilots of manned aircraft breaking the rules should be punished just like drone pilots breaking the rules should be punished...
As for footage its pretty hard to fire up any camera in time to get a picture of a craft doing 300+MPH as its on you and gone before you can &^%# pants. We have been off shore in the boat and had them dive down toward us I assume to lock on for practice.
As for footage its pretty hard to fire up any camera in time to get a picture of a craft doing 300+MPH as its on you and gone before you can &^%# pants. We have been off shore in the boat and had them dive down toward us I assume to lock on for practice.
This is true, but if they're Military aircraft then a simple call to the airfield should get you through to someone who can tell you whether they're allowed to do this and will automatically trigger an investigation if they aren't allowed. Whether anything gets done is a different matter...:rolleyes:
This is true, but if they're Military aircraft then a simple call to the airfield should get you through to someone who can tell you whether they're allowed to do this and will automatically trigger an investigation if they aren't allowed. Whether anything gets done is a different matter...:rolleyes:
And it could also trigger an actual bombing run and not a practice run :>(
There is a lot of restricted use airspace in that area.

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Yes, and both FB-111's were then well outside of the restritced airspace when they screamed past me near sunset. Again, I didn't have my I1 then and even if I had I don't think I'd have attepted to fly given the proximity to an active testing/exercise area. There are those that say Dugway is the new Area 51 :p


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