I was out at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge just about a year ago and I'd just returned to camp some 5 miles west of the refuge, along the Pony Express Overland Stage Trail road (dirt), and just at sunset I see one then a second FB-111 scream past at about 500AGL -- maybe even less. I didn't have my Inspire 1 Pro at the time and the place where I was staying is right at the boundary of the Dugway Proving Grounds so I don't know that I would have been able to fly even if I had it, but if I had there is ZERO chance I'd have been able to react quickly enough to avoid an impact if it were flying my way. Hell, at the speed they were going the plane was past me before I heard anything.
At the point I saw them they were travelling at a heading of about 230 degrees and when they crossed the road, which marks the boundary, they were still screaming along at, ballpark, 550mph and at 500 feet or less. Now, by my understanding that's breaking the law, but as a former USAF person myself it was freaking cool seeing them scream by.
There is a lot of restricted use airspace in that area.