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Crystal Sky reliability

Mar 24, 2015
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Hi all,
I seem to have endless issues with my Crystal sky 5.5 while using with an inspire2. I'm using it with the standard remote.
Almost every startup, the top right menu will fail in some way, and become unresponsive. Sometimes if I invoke the C2 button to bring up the FPV camera, the menu will then suddenly appear. If the C2 button trick does not work, inevitably the monitor will freeze and I'll have to reboot. I've done all updates available, but this issue has been with me for at least 12-18 months.

We also get the lag issue occasionally with the 7.85" crystal sky, but a reboot, and turning off focus peaking normally fixes that.

Also, a third issue is that I can no longer use a CS monitor as the interface to pair with a different Inspire2. I have to plug in an iPhone to activate pairing mode. Again, not a deal breaker like the lagging issue above. but super annoying when I go and use a different inspire2 and can't simply pair with the normal CS interface.

Anyone else have these issues, or any tips to improve reliability?

Thank you.
The CS is sadly just outdated and useless at this point. The processor is so slow that you can't even use features like Focus Peaking it really needs for quality work. I don't have that issue with the menu failing, but it does crash Go4 regularly, mostly on startup thankfully and not during flight, but still, disappointing considering the cheaper DJI models work so flawless. I also have no map in the lower-left Mapbox, just a solid black square whether minimized or expanded. :rolleyes:
Since nothing really changed in this department during last 2-3 years, CrystalSky devices are as good as they can be. 3 of them works for me acceptably well in numerous configurations with various DJI products since day one ...
Since nothing really changed in this department during last 2-3 years, CrystalSky devices are as good as they can be. 3 of them works for me acceptably well in numerous configurations with various DJI products since day one ...
So you have a map in the Mapbox and not just a black screen? You can turn on focus peaking at it doesn't lag down to 3 seconds per frame refresh? Yours doesn't crash the app on startup about every 3-4 instances? If so, I would lock onto that thing like a pit bull on a bone.
So you have a map in the Mapbox and not just a black screen? You can turn on focus peaking at it doesn't lag down to 3 seconds per frame refresh? Yours doesn't crash the app on startup about every 3-4 instances? If so, I would lock onto that thing like a pit bull on a bone.
No, I wouldn't say that. CrystalSky is not a perfectly designed or functioning device, period. It has some quirks and capricious moods. My ancient iPad Air 2 is more reliable. It has, whatever, one thing no other device can offer: bright display for outdoor monitoring. For this feature alone I will tolerate occasional, very rare crashes mid flight. That's one and only annoyance I'm experiencing flying various DJI drones using standard or Cendence radios with small or UB CS. Lucky me? ...
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Copy that, and today's phones are getting **** close or surpassing the High Brightness versions. My Samsung S21 Ultra is 1500 nits brightness, and obviously way more powerful processing.
Copy that, and today's phones are getting **** close or surpassing the High Brightness versions. My Samsung S21 Ultra is 1500 nits brightness, and obviously way more powerful processing.
Of course if Samsung S21 works, there's no point fighting with CrystalSky. That wasn't the case 3 years ago ...
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It has, whatever, one thing no other device can offer: bright display for outdoor monitoring. For this feature alone I will tolerate occasional, very rare crashes mid flight.
I've seen good reviews of the TRIPLTEK 7" Tablet (Android, 1200 nit display, $600, operating temp range 0F to 120F).

I use my iPad Pro in most settings, even though I own the 2000 nit CS Ultra.

I stopped using my Crystal Sky in most situations a few years ago due to reliability issues. The CS's wonderfully bright screen is useless when its not showing you what you need to see while filming. The last straw came while shooting a movie with a NY film crew, and having to deal with the director of photographer's ire over the app crashes and my unreliable video feed. Luckily it was a multi day shoot so I was able to redeem myself in his eyes when I brought my iPad the next day. Clearly my reliable if less bright iPad was the right choice and saved my reputation with that client. I am almost always able to find a way to stand with the screen in the shade anyway, and run video out to a hooded HDMI field monitor when the DP wants it.

The iPad's limited operating temperature range has been an issue for me in the past, and I've limped by on the CS, which works better than my iPad below 20F and above 90F. But if I get another big cold or hot weather shoot I'll probably get the TRIPLTEK.

If anyone wants to buy my CS Ultra, make me an offer! ;-)
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I must say that I feel like an isolated lucky guy : 3 CS, 2 CSU : all work absolutely flawlessly. Not super fast tablet but man that display is glorious.
The only issues we get are "over heating" and indeed one of our CSU had to be sent in for repair... Costly proposition compared to our repair experience with the drones... think it was 675 to replace the video board... after much griping and pointing out how much we have spent with them they knocked 150 off...

I feel the CS has been the poor stepchild of all DJI products, I mean when did we get the last update... we have to jump through hoops to put Litchi on it and we can't use it for the Air2S or any that use the FLY ap... I think we won't be able to use them on the Mavic 3... have a feeling it will require 64 bit as well... makes me mad as, as professionals we NEED to be able to see the full image clearly... and with my 70 yo eyes, focus peaking is essential... luckily this works fine on all ours...
Has anyone here got first hand experience with the TRIPLTEK 7"? Sounds like a good option to replace the CS
Copy that, and today's phones are getting **** close or surpassing the High Brightness versions. My Samsung S21 Ultra is 1500 nits brightness, and obviously way more powerful processing.
Depend on the job type you have. We are shooting for film and have 8-10 hours on set per day. The battery of any phone goes down in the first 2-3 maximum 4 hours, again depend on the conditions like is it summer or winter. So we'll have to have at least 3 charged s21 phones per controller to complete the day. For pilot and operator this makes 6 phones, doesn't matter android or iPhone this is a huge and not practical investment. With CS we just replace the battery and continue shooting. Still happy with our CS displays, oh and never use the focus peaking :)
Hi all,
I seem to have endless issues with my Crystal sky 5.5 while using with an inspire2. I'm using it with the standard remote.
Almost every startup, the top right menu will fail in some way, and become unresponsive. Sometimes if I invoke the C2 button to bring up the FPV camera, the menu will then suddenly appear. If the C2 button trick does not work, inevitably the monitor will freeze and I'll have to reboot. I've done all updates available, but this issue has been with me for at least 12-18 months.

We also get the lag issue occasionally with the 7.85" crystal sky, but a reboot, and turning off focus peaking normally fixes that.

Also, a third issue is that I can no longer use a CS monitor as the interface to pair with a different Inspire2. I have to plug in an iPhone to activate pairing mode. Again, not a deal breaker like the lagging issue above. but super annoying when I go and use a different inspire2 and can't simply pair with the normal CS interface.

Anyone else have these issues, or any tips to improve reliability?

Thank you.
You say you've done all the updates available. Unfortunately, there have been no updates to CrystalSky devices since they were released by DJI in 2017. DJI Customer Service in China, in one eMail, after both my M600 and Inspire 2 were bricked by the CrystalSky, suggested a FW update that didn't work. CrystalSky firmware v3.0.2.0 is the only one that works. I was successful at un-bricking an aircraft by doing a CrystalSky Factory Reset, then checking/restoring all my user settings. This whole CrystalSky issue bricking two aircraft has been an enormous waste to time to recover operational aircraft. Months.

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