EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment 2017-05 (A)

Thank you!
For those who have already read it, what are main impacts/changes on UAS business in Europe if this were final?
Not much respect the rules that we have here in Spain, but let see how it finish.
Not much respect the rules that we have here in Spain, but let see how it finish.
This latest version seems to be more industry favorable, i.e it is possible to fly with current aircraft's in certain limits. First one was very strict and for sure opened discussion by denying pretty much everything.
One thing's for sure. We can't be sure.
Thank you!
For those who have already read it, what are main impacts/changes on UAS business in Europe if this were final?
That's funny.

Why don't I ask my secretary to read it for you and post a management summary.
I wonder, why don't I?
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