I have an Inspire 1 and love it but there is a problem and I can't find any solution online, yet.
When I power up the Inspire the left rear led comes on white and when I try to start the motors the Pilot app indicates an ESC error (restart and if the problem persists contact DJI) and I also get a gimbal calibration error. I cycle power up and down again and after 4 or 5 times the ESC error goes away and I can start the motors and fly.
The Inspire will then consistently power up through the rest of the day without the ESC error after each battery swap and I have no problems flying the unit. The gimbal calibration warning persists on each power up but the Inspire flies and shoots video without any apparent problems.
I sent email to DJI support but have not heard anything from them yet. Is there anyone out there with similar problems and (better yet) solutions and suggestions? Can anyone enlighten me?
When I power up the Inspire the left rear led comes on white and when I try to start the motors the Pilot app indicates an ESC error (restart and if the problem persists contact DJI) and I also get a gimbal calibration error. I cycle power up and down again and after 4 or 5 times the ESC error goes away and I can start the motors and fly.
The Inspire will then consistently power up through the rest of the day without the ESC error after each battery swap and I have no problems flying the unit. The gimbal calibration warning persists on each power up but the Inspire flies and shoots video without any apparent problems.
I sent email to DJI support but have not heard anything from them yet. Is there anyone out there with similar problems and (better yet) solutions and suggestions? Can anyone enlighten me?