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Firmware Update

Aug 5, 2015
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Bought the Inspire in late May, just going to do first update and I see that there is one from May and August , Do I have to do both?
No, they are cumulative. The newest one includes all changes in every previous version. however if it ain't broke don't fix it I say, lots of people have issues and the general consensus is that the new go app is worthless bloated fluff.
No, they are cumulative. The newest one includes all changes in every previous version. however if it ain't broke don't fix it I say, lots of people have issues and the general consensus is that the new go app is worthless bloated fluff.
Damm: I went and updated it, guess I will find out this week. Just haven't done the controller yet.
No, they are cumulative. The newest one includes all changes in every previous version. however if it ain't broke don't fix it I say, lots of people have issues and the general consensus is that the new go app is worthless bloated fluff.

Thanks for the quick response.
Damm: I went and updated it, guess I will find out this week. Just haven't done the controller yet.
You could be asking for trouble by not having matching FW on the AC and the RC.
Have you updated your batteries as well and if you have, did you carry out the calibration sequence?
I have updated my firmware and iOS app with each update. I have not experienced any problems with the upgrading or the operation of the aircraft. I currently have the latest firmware and GO app 2.0.0 and flown over 30 flights without any major issues. Do not be put off by the doom merchants - there are too many on this forum - because there are plenty of other happy pilots enjoying the latest functions.
I agree, you should have the latest firmware. That is unless there was a MAJOR issue requiring immediate fixing from DJI (i.e. IMU bug)
Camera operation is the biggest thing I have noticed, Before it drifted after a craft rotation, and it still does, now it also becomes not level as it drifts after rotating the craft, and it also will jitter and shake now if you push the controls to 100% of anything, up / down / forward / back/ left / right. So craft flies just fine, however no matter haw many camera or craft calibrations are done these issues are still present and seem to get slightly worse each firmware update, and its only right after an update that a new symptom appears. Its frustrating to wait so long, and have an update only solve certain issues can cause others, I am never going to buy from this company again, this thing is a real POS, if your camera can not operate as designed.
Camera operation is the biggest thing I have noticed, Before it drifted after a craft rotation, and it still does, now it also becomes not level as it drifts after rotating the craft, and it also will jitter and shake now if you push the controls to 100% of anything, up / down / forward / back/ left / right. So craft flies just fine, however no matter haw many camera or craft calibrations are done these issues are still present and seem to get slightly worse each firmware update, and its only right after an update that a new symptom appears. Its frustrating to wait so long, and have an update only solve certain issues can cause others, I am never going to buy from this company again, this thing is a real POS, if your camera can not operate as designed.

Have you calibrated your gimbal. How about the IMU?
Yes - see first post " no matter how many camera or craft calibrations are done these issues are still present" camera refers to the gimbal cal and craft the IMU
Yes - see first post " no matter how many camera or craft calibrations are done these issues are still present" camera refers to the gimbal cal and craft the IMU

I've read on here, someone fixed the camera not being level by recalibrating the IMU.
What do you mean when you push to 100%? Is this while flying?

Yes, 0% would be no input = hover... 100% forward would be right stick pushed all the way to the full range of motion, eg maximum speed possible forward, so any input at 100%, climbing, descending, going forward, back, left, right and jitter appears, its hard to notice in the field but reviewing on a big screen it shows this twitching pretty clearly
I've read on here, someone fixed the camera not being level by recalibrating the IMU.

Yes and no recalibration has helped, and order does not help either, IMU the gimbal, or gimbal then IMU, or just one and not the other, I have tried all sequences and the camera still has issues, and each update something new appears, this last update i now see twitching if I push any stick to 100%

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