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Found 11.27.22 - Looking for CineReader TG Model - Thunderbolt

Feb 21, 2018
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Looking for the Thunderbolt version of the CineSSD Reader, marked with TG.
Not interested in UG1 or UG2 USB3

New are available in $350 range, would like to find used at lower price.

It states won't read new 980 SSD, max 480SSD... is this accurate?
Only the UG2 has the 960 SSD listed.

USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt do not list the 960.

I would turst what DJI says.
Only the UG2 has the 960 SSD listed.

USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt do not list the 960.

I would turst what DJI says.
Correct, that’s what the 2018 manual & specs indicate… produced a few years before the 980GB released. I was wondering if any one tried a 980GB in TG or UG1 Unit since DJI doesn’t normally provide new documentation on smaller peripheral devices.

The sticks are simply Samsung 9xx series NVMe Sticks coupled to a DJI adapter interface providing a proprietary external connector. On this adapter is a “chip“ that limits functionality and prevents replacing the NVMe stick with higher capacity.

If the TG can‘t read 980GB, it’s simply a Reader FW “controlling” method, not technical limitation… that’s what I wasn’t sure existed. I have 2x UG1, but no 980GB‘s. The Reader should be just a pass through connect interface… sadly it’s not. It’s been shown several times, you can pull the 2 screws, remove the Samsung NVMe and place in any standard NVMe holder and easily read at full speed capacity of the attached computer.

Ideally, all that was ever needed was a simple connector interface to connect the DJI connector to a computer’s interface… the Reader & Interface was made to create revenue.
Correct, that’s what the 2018 manual & specs indicate… produced a few years before the 980GB released. I was wondering if any one tried a 980GB in TG or UG1 Unit since DJI doesn’t normally provide new documentation on smaller peripheral devices.

Doug, I remembers seeing I2 guys complaining about how the new cards needed a new reader when the new card came out. I suspect that it is not compatible. But I don't have one myself to say for sure.
Doug, I remembers seeing I2 guys complaining about how the new cards needed a new reader when the new card came out. I suspect that it is not compatible. But I don't have one myself to say for sure.
Hey Dave,
Ya I'd agree with you... I vaguely recall that too, but since I had no need for $1600 1TB sticks, I didn't follow it closely when new. Plus, haven't found 1 comment or article indicating 980 is compatible with TG3.

Have 2x 480GB used between 2 I2's. I'll keep my eyes open for 480GB as several may start to sell off their I2 hardware... Without the I2, these pricey specialty sticks are worthless. Hopefully some will want to sell off while they still have worth.

I plan to retain my I2's... nothing else comes close to them, the M3 sure doesn't... maybe still hope for an I3... but it'll take different SSD or Memory cards I'm sure!
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