has anyone ever had a director/producer ask them?

Its an interesting topic and as both a producer/director and camera operator ( I got into camera operation because I couldn't always get the shots I wanted to from my crew) I am always looking for the perfect shot or something that perhaps pushes the envelope.
When clients ask for more and more risky shots I apply some criteria.
  • Is it legal
  • Is it safe
    • For cast and crew
    • For the Equipment
  • Whats the probability of a failure or clipping a tree etc.
if its illegal Im not doing it. If its legal then there is a chance I will
If a failure will injure someone than I explain those risks. I have to say that other than Julio Iglesias's foolish attempt to shake hands with the drone that was part of his official film crew there are very few (if any) instances where a drone the size of an inspire has caused significant injury to a person as a result of a crash.
As for the risk to equipment I simply offer the director the opportunity to significantly increase the rate and underwrite the cost of damage before take off ... passing the risk over to him/her.

For the record I have had two flyaways initiated by an immediate and sudden switch into ATTI behavior ( not switch into ATTI mode) during filming both resulted in impact with a tree in close proximity and low altitude crashes. The inspire was damaged but apart from a couple of leaves there was no damage to the trees.
Having seen someone walk into another pilots spinning rotors I can also attest that apart from a few scratches the plastic blades simply do not have enough inertia to cut anything off.
That said ..... we as pilots have the ultimate responsibility for the consequences of our actions while flying ... or choosing whether or not to fly. If in doubt don't fly. My inspire doesn't ever go up just for fun ...