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Inspire 1 - Quality of Camera?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Meyer
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Mike Meyer

I bought a Phantom 2 Vision Plus and was less than satisfied with the quality of the video...compared to the GoPro, these images did not look nearly as crisp...detail was really lacking, etc.

So I then invested in a Phantom 2 system with Zenmuse Gimbal, GoPro Hero 4. I am very happy with the video with this, but really am frustrated that I have no control of the camera. For $3k (plus)...I have to hit record, fly and shoot, and then have to deal with large video files, etc. Seems crazy for this kind of money that I can't even start and stop recording video with this system, controling the camera from the ground.

Then I see this Inspire 1 system...which really seems fantastic. The video quality I've seen posted seems really good...but I would really like to hear from someone who can give me an honest assessment...is the quality of the camera that comes with the Inspire 1 as good as the GoPro Hero 4? I would like someone's opinion who has actually had experience with both cameras with an "eye test." I am ready to purchase the Inspire 1, but I don't want to invest in another system that has a camera that looks "poopy." (technical term)


Mike Meyer
Columbus, Ohio (football capital of the world)
Inspire1 camera is better than gopro hero 4 black. I have hero4. Is not that happy with it, before gopro 3+ black edition, I see that it was not necessary to upgrade
Thanks...so you have the Inspire 1? You have looked at the footage shot with this camera?
Until these things appear in people's hands and someone does a back to back comparison we really have no idea of the quality. It has a rectilinear lens so that is a major plus over the GoPro but we really don't know what the quality is going to be in comparison yet.
Thanks...I'm seeing all kinds of reviews (including Philip Bloom) talking about this unit and several other folks that DJI has given the unit to for evaluation, but none of them have actually compred the quality of the camera to the GoPro...none of them actually discuss the quality of the camera, other than mentioning it shoots 4k. I love the overall package that the Inspire 1 offers, but to me, the image quality (I shoot video) is the most important factor...again, I don't want to get snookered into a camera that is like the one offered on the Phantom 2 Vision Plus. I appreciate your reply.
In that case, wait. Wait until the units are officially shipping and users have had them in their hands for a while.
Good advice...I guess I don't undersand why no one doing intial reviews (Including Philip Bloom - who is supposed to be a reputable DP) is not really discussing the actual quality of this camera...it would only take a minute or so to give us their impresssion of this camera. Why are we buying this thing?- because it looks cool and flys around very well? No, we want to make good pictures with it...at least, that's what I want if for. I digress...I guess I am frustrated with the initial reviews by the "experts"...they really gloss over the what this camera does...yes, it detaches...great....what about the imagery it creates?
I bought a Phantom 2 Vision Plus and was less than satisfied with the quality of the video...compared to the GoPro, these images did not look nearly as crisp...detail was really lacking, etc.

So I then invested in a Phantom 2 system with Zenmuse Gimbal, GoPro Hero 4. I am very happy with the video with this, but really am frustrated that I have no control of the camera. For $3k (plus)...I have to hit record, fly and shoot, and then have to deal with large video files, etc. Seems crazy for this kind of money that I can't even start and stop recording video with this system, controling the camera from the ground.

Then I see this Inspire 1 system...which really seems fantastic. The video quality I've seen posted seems really good...but I would really like to hear from someone who can give me an honest assessment...is the quality of the camera that comes with the Inspire 1 as good as the GoPro Hero 4? I would like someone's opinion who has actually had experience with both cameras with an "eye test." I am ready to purchase the Inspire 1, but I don't want to invest in another system that has a camera that looks "poopy." (technical term)


Mike Meyer
Columbus, Ohio (football capital of the world)
Go to General discusion "I just don't ged it " this was discussed there ;I am using Ph2 and GP4 and I believe by just reading specs on Inspire camera lens ,the Inspire must give much better quality output.
Thanks...that's what I'm really hoping for. I am so compulsive about this stuff...everything about the Inspire 1 is so appealing to me...I want to pull the trigger on this and order it...but I'm trying to be rational and make sure this proprietary camera is as good as the GoPro...which I'm very happy with.
Wait another 3-4 weeks to order it if you want and then most of the people that are active on this forum with have their own Inspire 1. I'm sure there will be loads of user feedback then and you can make your choice without feeling impulsive.

-An impulsive buyer [emoji12]

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Wait another 3-4 weeks to order it if you want and then most of the people that are active on this forum with have their own Inspire 1. I'm sure there will be loads of user feedback then and you can make your choice without feeling impulsive.

-An impulsive buyer [emoji12]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks...as hard as it will be for me, this is what I will do. What am I going to shoot in February in Ohio, anyway?
Thanks...so you have the Inspire 1? You have looked at the footage shot with this camera?

I have not gotten inspire yet. but I've seen pictures of fullbitrate files and compared with gopro. Inspire1 have larger sensor one gopro. I work a lot with video and see what you are talking about. GoPro is unable to write 4k files in Narrow mode the processor is too weak. GoPro cropper film in 1080p therefore inferior video quality in narrow than if you were filming in 1080p wide.
No one can do a full review because nothing is final yet. Heck for all we know they could be replacing the camera system entirely to fix the shake. They could be completely changing the camera out for something different (doubt it...but..). No one can give a full review because its still in beta.
No one can do a full review because nothing is final yet. Heck for all we know they could be replacing the camera system entirely to fix the shake. They could be completely changing the camera out for something different (doubt it...but..). No one can give a full review because its still in beta.
Philip Bloom? Are you kidding? He's a shill for DJI! He's not going to be objective! Please. Until real users have these in their hands, we are all speculating about the camera and why DJI has taken back ALL of the units that were in the hands of retailers for repair or whatever. And Airdrone just why do you believe that the Inspire camera is better then the GP4 Black? Do you actually have one that you have shot with or are you just trolling?
I totally get this...but DJI put this camera out there in the hands of people who do this for a living..."experts"...none of them talked about the quality of the camera with any real information that would help us make an informed decision. All I'm asking is for someone who is supposed to be evaluating this unit...to give an infomed, intelligent description about the quality of the camera.
I guess I can't believe that so many people are forking over $3k for a drone unit that has a camera that no one really has done any apples to apples comparisons with GoPro...I've seen countless demos and "experts" touting this drone, but without any qualitative description/evaluation of the camera.

So no one can do a full review because it's still in beta testing? Why? Why can't these people eveluate the camera intelligently as they have it?

This is what I'm left with...no one really will know what the quality of this camera is because it's too new or it's in beta...so we should just take it on faith that the camera is great. All I know is that the proprietary camera that DJI put out with the Phantom 2 Vision Plus (I own one, unfortunately) is garbage...so I will definitely wait until there is some real data from real users on this.

Thanks to all for your input.
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Everyone who has an Inspire in their hands is using a beta unit. I'm guessing that in order to be allowed to have one, they have had to sign an embargo on doing any direct comparisons or full reviews until the actual final version ships.
Rilot...you may be correct. As for he PTV+ camera I like it for what it is. Not great but it works reasonably well. I'm waiting to buy a high end version to shoot a project with. May have to rent a Ronin or something. Meanwhile we all wait...and wait.

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