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Is there a way to program the inspire like the phantom return

Nov 26, 2014
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My phantom 2 has a programmed selection that when i get confused front or back ,select the switch and pull back on the controller right side
it will return straight path to home area
Does the inspire have this or is it just return home
Sold my Phantom and looking for I1....I also LOVED Home Lock! Why get rid of that? Course Lock is available right? What else am I missing?
It's still supposed to come in an update at some point...

This makes no sense. Its not like they haven't thought of it yet. They have successfully implemented it in Phantom 2. Why would they give you course lock and not home lock? I love this quad and my Phantom 2. I have a Phantom 3 on pre order. Sometimes i just wonder about what DJI is thinking and why they do what they do. Why would they Nerf a "Flagship Product?"
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It was available at launch on the first generation Phantoms!
I really am not sure of the reasoning behind implementing half of tho IOC function.
I'm sorry, what am I missing here? On my screen on the left side there is a icon...RTH...push it and the craft starts to return home...and the voice prompt says..."rerunning home..."period. If I want to cancel, I push the BUTTON on the RC..it lights...f I want to cancel once I see the bird again..I push the button twice, it hovers and I start flying again. Whats the issue?
I really am not sure of the reasoning behind implementing half of tho IOC function.

Ordinarily, I'd assume it was to get the Inspire to market sooner, but at this point... you'd think enough time had passed that they could have released it. I just got mine yesterday and I've been reading the manual which has obviously been updated fairly recently (since it's talking about the quick release props), and there's still a section (page 60) on the IOC modes for home lock and POI. I was excited for a few minutes until I saw the "coming soon" asterisk.

I wonder what their definition of "soon" is... :D
Ordinarily, I'd assume it was to get the Inspire to market sooner, but at this point... you'd think enough time had passed that they could have released it. I just got mine yesterday and I've been reading the manual which has obviously been updated fairly recently (since it's talking about the quick release props), and there's still a section (page 60) on the IOC modes for home lock and POI. I was excited for a few minutes until I saw the "coming soon" asterisk.

I wonder what their definition of "soon" is... :D
Yup, it makes no sense since the technology is mature. Unless they are going to announce it with a fanfare like it is a new feature?
Of course the cynical side of me says they knew they had problems with the compass causing the drop into Atti from an early stage and chose NOT to activate HL until this problem was ironed out!!! :cool:
I think the difference is that RTH physically moves the craft to the home location, while home lock requires the pilot to manually adjust pitch to move it. I suppose, too, that if the home lock feature were working you could fly the Inspire out somewhere and manually set its location as the home point... then use home lock to move there from some other point, while you controlled pitch and the camera. I think home lock is more about orientation and maybe camera work than a failsafe.

Personally, I'm not all that interested in home lock... it's the POI mode in IOC that I want. That's one that I definitely think would come in handy for shooting. Set a POI, then keep the Inspire pointed at it. Yes, please. I really do hope they're actively working on finishing IOC.
But I was under the impression that if you do loose GPS connection, it aint coming back either way. No?
I didn't say GPS I said connection with your transmitter (total loss of control signal - same as turning the transmitter off) :)

If it does lose GPS (but has successfully set a home point when you took off) as long as it reestablishes GPS it will still return to home.
It will also return to home in Atti mode (providing GPS is available).
Home lock will not yaw the aircraft towards the home point, it will simply come back to home in the orientation it is in but follow a direct path back to that point on pulling back on the stick...... But you knew that ;)

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