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Lets talk tablet brightness

Save yourself some cash and purchase a Samsung Tab S 8.4. Not bad at all in full sunlight, combine it with a anti glare screen protection cover and you have a winner that is not restricted or over priced like an Apple product...
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image.jpg iPhone6_Brightness.png ShieldTablet_Brightness_w_600.png Here's some charts I found for both phone, and tablet users during flying. Future Google searches might find them helpful when they come across this thread. (Anyone else notice how fast the SEO works for this website?) You can Google "Brightest Tablet for DJI inspire", or similar and see this thread hit top page.

Crashburn, after looking at several goggles, what made you go with the cinemizers?..Do you have any idea if it's possible to use screen mirroring on a samsung device to connect to the goggles without the hdmi cable? I don't know if apple has any similar technology...

The Fatshark dominator HD's look pretty good too, however I wonder if it's possible to connect the mirrored inspire app through hdmi, and the secondary tilt pan camera im considering installing. Is there a way to switch through multiple inputs on the goggles? does anyone know?
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I tried everything, ipads, n shield, hoodies, etc, finally gave up and bought a Cimemizer

Enjoy life and be nice
Already went that route no luck View attachment 803
View attachment 832 View attachment 833 View attachment 834 Here's some charts I found for both phone, and tablet users during flying.
This thread is making me nervous about the Inspire I just ordered. I need a tablet to work for FPV, goggles are not an option.

Do any of you have FPV experience with the Phantom? The Black Pearl monitor is extremely popular with Phantom users and it only has 400 nits which is on the low end of Soflms' charts. With all the people who use that monitor for FPV I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about it being unusable in the sun. It has a sun shade but it's nothing special.

Why are brighter tablets so much worse than the Black Pearl? If it's the reflectivity of the screen, what about applying anti-glare like these? Would that make a tablet more usable?
I tried everything, ipads, n shield, hoodies, etc, finally gave up and bought a Cimemizer

Enjoy life and be nice
technically the cinemizer goggles are illegal are they not for FPV? it means you dont have line of sight on your bird? they are illegal in canada i know that. i figure same for USA?
technically the cinemizer goggles are illegal are they not for FPV? it means you dont have line of sight on your bird? they are illegal in canada i know that. i figure same for USA?

In Sweden you can have FPV-goggles, but you must have a "friend" as a spotter.
technically the cinemizer goggles are illegal are they not for FPV? it means you dont have line of sight on your bird? they are illegal in canada i know that. i figure same for USA?
No difference to me than hiding my head in a hoodie so I can see the monitor, than looking over my googles at any time to see the Inspire or looking at them at the same time. In fact it's much safer than trying to see the monitor in sunlight, without being able to see the important data on the screen at all. I'm not worried at all with using my Cinimizer and don't know if there are any USA prohibiting faa rules and even if they are they don't have the force of law at this time. And even if they are, I fly usually on my property so let the faa trespass without proper legal authority if they dare. Edit: I know on another thread, long distance flying, it quickly deteriorated into arguments about "legality" of such long distance flights, out of los, with accusations of trolling, etc. It's a fine line between making illegality comments and staying on the thread topic, but I agree that there should be separate thread just for legal issues. I'm more guilty than anyone else for getting off topic!

Enjoy life and be nice
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Does any manufacturer not do a FPV Monocular?

One eye on telemetry and one eye on the A/C. Bit like a hybrid HUD?
It is mostly the glare that causes the issue. However I've found that to be able to see it in full sun (the tablet) it needs to have a nits level or at least 500-600. This is just my observation. This morning I flew as the sun was coming up and got to enjoy my large tablet with like a 400 nits rating. It's just mid afternoon sun I have a tough time dealing with. I'm totally buying this lolimage.jpg
It is mostly the glare that causes the issue. However I've found that to be able to see it in full sun (the tablet) it needs to have a nits level or at least 500-600. This is just my observation. This morning I flew as the sun was coming up and got to enjoy my large tablet with like a 400 nits rating. It's just mid afternoon sun I have a tough time dealing with. I'm totally buying this lolView attachment 843

Hahahahaha... Nice one

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It is mostly the glare that causes the issue. However I've found that to be able to see it in full sun (the tablet) it needs to have a nits level or at least 500-600. This is just my observation. This morning I flew as the sun was coming up and got to enjoy my large tablet with like a 400 nits rating. It's just mid afternoon sun I have a tough time dealing with. I'm totally buying this lolView attachment 843
So do you think putting an anti-glare screen protector on a tablet will eliminate the issue?

The Black Pearl is 400 nits (less reflective screen) and I haven't heard about usability issues in the sun. Nobody who's used a Black Pearl monitor before the Inspire can compare that experience with using a tablet?
i couldn't send a pic but put on a anti glare screen protector and made a shade from a large anti freeze jug......works well till i find a shade i like!!
I've actually never heard of the black pearl. Well I have, but Johnny Depp was using it. Anyways I'm sure you'll be fine with the tablet at 400 nits. I can't speak for the anti glare screen protectors but imagine they'd help tremendously. I might pick some up for my tablet to see if they help. I'm just afraid of losing the HD look to my tablet. When it's super sunny out I've been using my iPhone 6 because its so bright I can use it in full sun with my sunglasses on and be just fine. Hope those helps man and good luck

One more suggestion is take a device you already own and Google the nit rating of it, and use it to compare what you're considering purchasing. Just take it out into full sun and see if it is visible.
So do you think putting an anti-glare screen protector on a tablet will eliminate the issue?

The Black Pearl is 400 nits (less reflective screen) and I haven't heard about usability issues in the sun. Nobody who's used a Black Pearl monitor before the Inspire can compare that experience with using a tablet?

Yes, I have a BP that I actually still use sometimes as an external monitor for the Inspire via HDMI from the TX.

I use the Nvidia Shield for the Inspire but have made myself a 'Frankenstein' sun shade of things I had laying around in hobby boxes etc. I stole the Hoodini idea of utilising a 70 degree angle between the shade and the screen and it works perfectly.
FYI, the sun is not the issue in viewing tablet screens outside....... It is the glare. Give it a try by going outside in sunny conditions and taking something like a magazine and putting it over the top edge of the screen at right angles (like 99.99% of all sunshades).......it's pretty useless, now angle the magazine down to 70 degrees and see how nearly all the glare is eradicated and you can view your tablet comfortably even in midday sun.

OK, so, back to the BP and it's screen........ I think it's a combination of why that one works outdoors.
Firstly, it was designed to be an 'outdoor' device specifically for FPV
Secondly, it uses LED technology which differs from the mostly OLED screens which most tablets are now - Yes OLED is supposed to be better but..........
Thirdly, the BP is not trying to be a high definition screen so the manufacturers are able to play around a bit with how the backlight and reflective cells polarising filter etc are designed (although Flysight probably used an existing panel after testing many different types).
Fourthly, you are correct...the BP has matt like outer screen on it which seems to fair better in outdoor situations.

I have to say though..... Now I have 'Frankensteined' my Shield I will take viewing that over my BP anyday!

Using the Inspire with a tablet is fine..... Thousands are every day in sunny, overcast, snowy and beach conditions. You just have to be selective/creative with some sort of shade and your FPV experience will be awesome :D
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