I have always been very careful whenever I fly whether it be the Mavic or my recently purchased Inspire 1v2; okay maybe even more so with the big bird.
Last night i am at a deserted park nearing dusk and just getting some final shots; decided having already some nice shots from 100' maybe lets get some lower ones, and wouldn't it be fun to have a fast low flying shot? Checking for obstacles..nope..all clear and away we go!
Except...I really had no idea just how fast the Inspire can travel!
As I look up in horror it is heading for a building and then I did what I think many of us might do....panic!
Using mode 2 for flying both birds there really is no excuse but in an attempt to brake I pull down hard on the left stick...thats right..descend! I did quickly realize my mistake and just as quickly pushed up as the bird touched down, did a somersault? Then climbed up in to the air...relief momentarily everything seemed ok as I navigated back towards home...but wait...no video feed?
Then the horror! No camera?! And it was getting dark. Lucky for me i did find the camera with no apparent damage except for the broken Vibration Absorbing Board . Back at home I reconnected the ribbon cables and the camera seems to have come out of its coma. Unfortunately the mp4 file was corrupted from its abrupt cutoff so guessing thats lost. The mp4 recovery program from this forum does not seem to like anything over 2 gb; at least for me.
I guess I should count myself lucky as this seems to be a fairly minor repair compared to what could have happened.
Last night i am at a deserted park nearing dusk and just getting some final shots; decided having already some nice shots from 100' maybe lets get some lower ones, and wouldn't it be fun to have a fast low flying shot? Checking for obstacles..nope..all clear and away we go!
Except...I really had no idea just how fast the Inspire can travel!
As I look up in horror it is heading for a building and then I did what I think many of us might do....panic!
Using mode 2 for flying both birds there really is no excuse but in an attempt to brake I pull down hard on the left stick...thats right..descend! I did quickly realize my mistake and just as quickly pushed up as the bird touched down, did a somersault? Then climbed up in to the air...relief momentarily everything seemed ok as I navigated back towards home...but wait...no video feed?
Then the horror! No camera?! And it was getting dark. Lucky for me i did find the camera with no apparent damage except for the broken Vibration Absorbing Board . Back at home I reconnected the ribbon cables and the camera seems to have come out of its coma. Unfortunately the mp4 file was corrupted from its abrupt cutoff so guessing thats lost. The mp4 recovery program from this forum does not seem to like anything over 2 gb; at least for me.
I guess I should count myself lucky as this seems to be a fairly minor repair compared to what could have happened.