My Inspire 1 video - 7/12/15

Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Chula Vista, CA
Nothing fancy, just flying around a little higher and a little faster than my last video. I'm still working on getting comfortable with this quadcopter. I shot this video in 1080p 60 fps. I tried shooting in 4K but my computer's video's card isn't up to the challenge. Also, my Nvidia Shield Tablet tends to loose the video feed when I try to use 4k aside from the massive lag.

I flew to an altitude of 335 feet and pushed the Inspire 1 to about 33 miles per hour and I was no where near full throttle. This quadcopter can really fly fast when pushed. Oh yeah!!

Reactions: Mete
Looks like a good place to practice figure 8's.

It's definitely wide open. I just need a screen shade so I can actually see where I'm at when it sneaks away from my LOS. Here's a video in which I wondered off a little and at times I actually had a hard time figuring out in which direction the Inspire 1 was heading.


Yeah that would be scary. Screen shade definitely has helped me, also (even with shade) have turned up the screen brightness is a good idea too.