USA New 333 Exemption

Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
South West Florida
I was waiting till I received my 333 Exemption to get my Biannual flight review as required by Item # 13 on my 333. I received notice that my 333 was approved. I scheduled and completed my flight review today in Light Sport Aircraft. I had not flown an aircraft since 2004 and was skeptical on how I would perform. Most of my flight time was in a traditional aircraft such as a Cessna 172/182, todays flight was in a much smaller aircraft with a stick on non centering rudder pedals. I did great and it felt comfortable to be in control of an aircraft again. I passed the Flight Review and have the endorsement in my log book. My Inspire and I are happy.

Here are some pics.
Sorry about my Title to the thread I must have held the shift button down while I was typing 333, I have asked the mods to correct it as I can find no way to edit it myself.