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Whats with all the moaning and whining!???? This is really unbelievable to watch all this dribble.

  • Its NEW, theres MASSIVE demand, its an amazing piece of kit. What would you prefer?.. DJI to say.. "oh wait up we found a cpl of wee problems" we are going to delay the release by 6 mnths until they are sorted?" or ship them out with a string of timely fixes to follow..

I mean PROP locks? WTF? Ive flown Multi's for over 4 years now. First one built from scratch, Props fell off so I learned to tighten them properly.
People moan about the "massive investment" ?? You are frigging kidding?!! I Just sold a big hex for NZ$4000, just 2 years after paying NZ$12,000 for it.. YUP big loss, BUT the Inspire is a hell of alot of kit for NZ$5,000 and far better.. so big win for me.

This is the real world of technology, the speed of advancement and competition by manufacturers must be a nightmare so cut them some slack and enjoy your new tools of creativity. (or maybe for some, these are just toys for spoilt big boys)

Agree totally!
I had a interesting Inspire 1 find today as it sits on the bench.

My Inspire 1 with all the latest FW updates. Single Controller, connected to IOS IPAD Mini 2, @9.2 IOS Pilot APP.

Inspire was on the bench level for 10 hours at room temperature. 68 Deg. F.

Plugged in my HDMI monitor to the Master controller, iPad on, RC on and then Inspire. Noticed on the HDMI monitor that the artificial horizion

_____ V——- was on a angle by +/_ 15 degrees, down on the left.

NOTE: My inspire 1 is level on the bench i know his by leveling my bench first and it has been powered off for 10 + hours in my LAB at 68 deg.f.

Then I wanted two minutes and no changes. Went in the IMU calibration and did the calibration and noticed that the artificial horizon started to move to a level position and after the 10 minute IMU calibration, the artificial horizon was now level.

I powered cycled the Inspired between 2 hour cycles to see if it was off and it did not change. Still on the bench in the same position and has not moved. I will keep my eye on this and let you know if it show’s up as it did earlier.

Not sure if the Inspire 1 needs to be heated first and IMU calibration overtime but this is a very interesting find. If others try this, please let us know if you see the same issue on your HDMI monitor as the Inspire 1 sites on a known level surface.

Maybe this is why it fly’s off to the LEFT or RIGHT as other have reported. As i mentioned in the other postings, My Inspire 1 is grounded until i see some new FW for the DJI engineering team.

Let’s keep posting our observations. See nice and level NOW, the artificial horizon taken from my HDMI monitor and after IMU cal.

Best regards,
IMG_1759.JPG (630.35 KB, Down times: 0)

artificial horizon AFTER IMU CAL

Is there a way of getting the Inspire One in and out of travel mode with the app?

Btw - travel mode works fine on my low pile carpet.

Yes! Just flick the transformation switch on your remote control (around your return home button) like 3-4 times up and down, landing on the position you want.

Example: 3-4 flicks and end on the Up side of the switch to raise the gears.
3-4 flicks and end up on the down side of the switch to enter travel.
I have had my concerns when it comes to the Inspire 1 ... but they have almost all been alleviated by my experience when it dropped from a tree.

Read all about it:

Contact me @supasympa on Twitter if you like!

I am however having some Inspire1 battery issues with one single battery:

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Any help appreciated.
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No, strangely enough it wasn't (I have them numbered). This was the one I had installed when I upgraded the firmware and it was the one that came with the Inspire (the other two were shipped separately).
I've had problems putting it back into travel mode. Anyone else?

I have to turn the battery off and then the controller. Turn them back on and hold the inspire a little bit off the ground to successfully get it into travel mode.

Is there something I'm missing?
Have you tried cycling landing gear switch 4x?
I have had my concerns when it comes to the Inspire 1 ... but they have almost all been alleviated by my experience when it dropped from a tree.

Read all about it:

Contact me @supasympa on Twitter if you like!

I am however having some Inspire1 battery issues with one single battery:

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Any help appreciated.
Supasympa...from the manual it looks like an over voltage or over charge perhaps? It doesn't look like your pattern is actually noted in the manual...but those are the closest.
...and of course it doesn't say how to rectify...lol
I have had my concerns when it comes to the Inspire 1 ... but they have almost all been alleviated by my experience when it dropped from a tree.

Read all about it:

Contact me @supasympa on Twitter if you like!

I am however having some Inspire1 battery issues with one single battery:

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Any help appreciated.

Hi supasympa,

I agree with GenesisKnight that it may be an overcharge after you press the battery button the second time. You may want to try discharging the battery per the User Manual 1.0 and then re-charge it.

Per the manual:

How to discharge your Intelligent Flight Battery:

To effectively calibrate the battery capacity, it is recommended to charge and discharge the battery thoroughly for every 10 charge-and-discharge cycle. User should install the battery onto the aircraft and then power on the aircraft to initiate the discharge process, discharge the battery until the aircraft is powered off automatically. User should then fully charge the battery to ensure the battery is working at its optimal.

Slow: Place the Intelligent Flight Battery into the Inspire 1’s Battery Compartment and power it on. Leave it on until there is less than 5% of power left, or until the battery can no longer be turned on. Launch the DJI Pilot app to check battery level.

Rapid: Fly the Inspire 1 outdoors until there is less than 5% of power left, or until the battery can no longer be turned on.

Discharging looks like it might be an issue bannon. The battery seems to turn itself off even though it's in the aircraft, so he might have an issue running down the battery.
I have about 5 hours on my inspire 1 with almost no issues(one small drifting issue). This weekend I noticed something a little off. I went through my typical pre-flight checks and calibrations to start off. I started it up and had it hover at about 5 ft, which is what I typically do for a bit to make sure everything looks good. I flicked the landing gear button and I got some serious shake when the legs started going up. I lost height and it drifted about 8-10 ft from where it was. After the legs were up all seemed fine, so I flew it around for 10 mins and landed it with no problems.

I cycled power, and tried again. Legs went up and the inspire shook and drifted a few feet. Flies fine after that, but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be shaking. Anyone else getting this when the landing gear goes up?
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I have about 5 hours on my inspire 1 with an almost no issues(one small drifting issue). This weekend I noticed something a little off. I went through my typical pre-flight checks and calibrations to start off. I started it up and it hover at about 5 ft, which is what I typically do for a bit to make sure everything looks good. I flicked the landing gear button and I got some serious shake when the legs started going up. I lost height and it drifted about 8-10 ft from where it was. After the legs were up all seemed fine, so I flew it around for 10 mins and landed it with no problems.

I cycled power, and tried again. Legs went up and the inspire shook and drifted a few feet. Flies fine after that, but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be shaking. Anyone else getting this when the landing gear goes up?

I think there is some coverage of this problem online. If I'm not mistaken it's to do with the landing gear bolts that attache the landing gear to the main aircraft. They can come lose apparently - but I'm not sure how easy (or if ) you can tighten them
Thanks for the reply supasympa! I'll have to look into this online. Might call my dealer directly and see if they can help out with a fix.
I spook with DJI (US and in Asia) on this last week, they tell me to RMA is back to them on CAL, for rework. DJI had a repair procedure they will only do if you request the office RMA from them. If your in USA, call their support line and tell them that your Inspire is shaking and then you should receive instructions via email on the RMA procedure.

I am planing to send in my Bird in a couple of weeks, the turnaround time is two weeks.

Please keep us all posted.

Best regards,

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