Whats with all the moaning and whining!???? This is really unbelievable to watch all this dribble.
- Its NEW, theres MASSIVE demand, its an amazing piece of kit. What would you prefer?.. DJI to say.. "oh wait up we found a cpl of wee problems" we are going to delay the release by 6 mnths until they are sorted?" or ship them out with a string of timely fixes to follow..
I mean PROP locks? WTF? Ive flown Multi's for over 4 years now. First one built from scratch, Props fell off so I learned to tighten them properly.
People moan about the "massive investment" ?? You are frigging kidding?!! I Just sold a big hex for NZ$4000, just 2 years after paying NZ$12,000 for it.. YUP big loss, BUT the Inspire is a hell of alot of kit for NZ$5,000 and far better.. so big win for me.
This is the real world of technology, the speed of advancement and competition by manufacturers must be a nightmare so cut them some slack and enjoy your new tools of creativity. (or maybe for some, these are just toys for spoilt big boys)
Agree totally!