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Sample still images?

Nov 14, 2015
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I know the inspire 3 is mainly a cinema rig but I am interested in the photo potential of that full frame sensor. Any sample photos (preferably raw .dng files) floating around to get an idea of the photo quality?
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I can post a few later. On my phone now.

Photo mode is really missing some basics. There is no bracketing. No option for hyperlapse. These really should be on a “pro” level drone.

I haven’t compared them yet but there is no indication of native iso in photo mode, so I’m not sure if 100 is best or something else. Nothing in the manual.
I received my Inspire 3 earlier this week. I have tested the camera with all four lenses and am very happy with the results! If you send me your email address to [email protected] I can send them your way. I'm also disappointed though that there is no automatic bracketing feature and have expressed this to DJI. I hope they add this via a firmware update sooner than later. Jim
I received my Inspire 3 earlier this week. I have tested the camera with all four lenses and am very happy with the results! If you send me your email address to [email protected] I can send them your way. I'm also disappointed though that there is no automatic bracketing feature and have expressed this to DJI. I hope they add this via a firmware update sooner than later. Jim
May I ask if you see any difference in IQ between the four lenses? I only got the 24mm and was wondering if some of the others is sharper.
May I ask if you see any difference in IQ between the four lenses? I only got the 24mm and was wondering if some of the others is sharper.
The two most important "useful" lenses on the I3, the 18mm and the 50mm for me anyways
All of my lenses are sharp. If there's one that's slightly different it would be the 18 but the difference is hard to discern.
I use 50mm 90 percent of the time for the I3, the 18mm is really sharp. If you can only go with two lenses make it the 18mm and 50mm. We can sure use an 85mm 2.8 about now DJI

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