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SRT data

Mar 30, 2015
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does anyone know what all of the data in the SRT file means?
Ie the headers etc? some are easy to work out, others not so.

Also, does anyone know why my home is blank? and the battery ?
00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,000
HOME(0.0000,0.0000,0) 2015.7.15 11:03:48
GPS(55.4051,25.1314,17) Hb:5.0 Hs:0.0
OSD Vh:0.2 Vv:0.0 P:1.6 R:-4.1 Y:14.3
MC S1:0x06 S2:0x00 Err:0x0000d00d
BATTERY S:0x09 V:0.0 R:120%
ISO:100 TV:640 EV:+1/3 IR:F2.8
has anyone come up with a way of using this SRT file in dashware? without manually making the entire flight log that is.
ok, so from googling around , there is a txt file that can be taken from the pilot app, and then a website that can convert it to a CSV for dashware,,,,

HOW the hell do I get the .txt off of the bloody Ipad??

I have the TXT converted to a CSV for dashware, BUT, does anyone know how the I1 calculates heading?
in the csv file there is no heading mentioned, so i assume they are calculating it in dashware from the GPS coordinates.

Does anyone know if the I1 actually has a heading value stored in the TXT file?
the other conversion tool from "theCutter" has various yaw fields, none of which seem to make sense to me,
I thought dashware would give you the heading from the files on the I1 itself, not the from the iPad.

I may be confused though....

how can you get the files from the I1? arent they encrypted? have they been cracked?
Okay, i extracted the file, but it only had lon lat alt speed and time, no heading.
Okay, i extracted the file, but it only had lon lat alt speed and time, no heading.
As you have found, the Record Convertor offers the facility to convert/export the data file for each flight. In the large details CSV file there are columns prefixed with OSD, that give lots of data including yaw, roll, pitch, Zspeed, Yspeed, Xspeed, height, latitude and longitude. But no heading. This is strange as the same data is used to playback flights in Pilot App which displays the direction the aircraft is pointing (red arrow). The gimbal yaw angle/roll adjustment/yaw/roll/pitch values are logged.
As you have found, the Record Convertor offers the facility to convert/export the data file for each flight. In the large details CSV file there are columns prefixed with OSD, that give lots of data including yaw, roll, pitch, Zspeed, Yspeed, Xspeed, height, latitude and longitude. But no heading. This is strange as the same data is used to playback flights in Pilot App which displays the direction the aircraft is pointing (red arrow). The gimbal yaw angle/roll adjustment/yaw/roll/pitch values are logged.
strange indeed, because the pilot app knows the yaw angle all the time, even when turning on the spot.

so far all I can do it use gps to estimate the yaw, but that doesnt work for anything other than forward flight

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