Test paint and Scratch ? Why this happens?

Sep 24, 2015
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I was testing black paint in one part that i have stocked of Inspire 1. I applyed the spray directly in Inspire 1 plastic and after the paint dry, the piece scratched.... why this happens? Need do something before paint?

I was testing black paint in one part that i have stocked of Inspire 1. I applyed the spray directly in Inspire 1 plastic and after the paint dry, the piece scratched.... why this happens? Need do something before paint?

Yes, you should sand the plastic parts with 400 grit sandpaper and then spray a coat of primer, before tha colour. I think the problem you're having, is because the plastic has a glossy finish and the paint has nothing stick to and will chip off easily.
Reactions: SanCap
I didn't have any problems painting the extra pieces, in fact; I if I didn't know any better I would think I had purchased a blackout I1. I will post pics later. In a few.
What Alastair said. That's just an effect of poor surface preparation. Also looks like you laid down one thick layer instead of several lighter ones.
@Carlos Alberto; @Alastair gave good advice about first sanding the plastic however, I didn't do any sanding. I purchased all extra plastic pieces and then took my time spraying them. I used a very light tack coat of the black matte then another 3 coats of matte and then a clear coat. The results are amazing (in my opinion). I haven't had a chance to finish painting all the battery plates yet.

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