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What to look for with new drone?

Aug 25, 2013
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I just got my Inspire 1, is there anything to do or look out for before flying and set up? Software upgrade? Did DJI have to do changes to get it to work and that's why it is so late getting here?
yes. you want to upgrade the firmware to .16 level, and you want to calibrate the IMU after the shipping -- these are the 2 things you dont need to do every flight
Thanks, what are the issues that everyone talks about? I just got mine, so maybe it has been upgraded?
I doubt yours has been upgraded. There are helpful videos here to both upgrade the firmware and check and calibrate the IMU and compass. If you have prop locks be sure to use them, otherwise make sure the blades are tight. I believe most people are doing ok now with their inspires. That being said I personally had a failure of some kind on my second flight that crashed the quad. I personally would keep it very close to home, away from people and low to the ground for the first few flights. If this is your first quad you might want to run to the mall and buy a small 50 dollar quad to practice with before you try to put this thing in the air. If you can fly that thing and hover "nose in" you will be more than ready to handle the Inspire.
Sorry to post on your thread I am trying to figure out how to make another thread for discussion.

I have not received my inspire yet. But my question is does the apple app have the flight sim with in the app?

I have on my android but don't see the sim so assuming only for apple .
Sorry to post on your thread I am trying to figure out how to make another thread for discussion.

I have not received my inspire yet. But my question is does the apple app have the flight sim with in the app?

I have on my android but don't see the sim so assuming only for apple .
Yup apple ..no android at this time..

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