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X5s Nodal point

Feb 7, 2020
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I have recently been learning how to create pano's by stitching together multiple photos and the principle of pupil entry or nodal points has become apparent as a necessary consideration. Does anyone know if the x5s gimbal is set up to take this into account? It looks like it could be close with the the yaw axis line of the gimbal passing down through the lens but can't find any documentation on this. I am aware of the RCPano software which will turn the aircraft around it's nodal point for you but I personally don't like the look of 360˚ photos plus it seems like an expense and hassle for little gain if the x5s already gets close.
I have recently been learning how to create pano's by stitching together multiple photos and the principle of pupil entry or nodal points has become apparent as a necessary consideration. Does anyone know if the x5s gimbal is set up to take this into account? It looks like it could be close with the the yaw axis line of the gimbal passing down through the lens but can't find any documentation on this. I am aware of the RCPano software which will turn the aircraft around it's nodal point for you but I personally don't like the look of 360˚ photos plus it seems like an expense and hassle for little gain if the x5s already gets close.
Believe me, lens nodal point is a negligible issue when panoramic sequence is taken with Inspire 2. However, the hovering stability is of paramount importance to eliminate parallax as much as possible. Not every specimen of Inspire 2 is behaving nice in this department. Anyway, for panoramic sequence of any configuration I'm employing rotating gimbal option, which - to my knowledge - is offered only by Litchi app. X5S gimbal will not deliver perfect nodal point, but close enough to be accepted by good stitching software ...
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