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Am I crazy to do this?

It's all good friend. I was not meaning to offend. I know sometimes english slang (especially text) can get "lost in translation".
Kinda like when Americans say "That's the SH*T!!". Does NOT mean "It's SH*T!!" ;)
Keep making art!!

Yup. I use "that's the sh*t" with my Finnish friends and the go "why is that sh*t?" I was wrong to share my bad moment with you and glad you accepted my apologies.
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didn't read through all the post so this may have been mentioned already.
I'm by no means a professional videographer but I can say that after working with final cut and the lut gallery among other editing tricks, the clarity, contrast, color and sharpness are night and day compared to raw footage. i personally would learn how to edit before investing in a better video camera. i am a professional photographer and editing your images is a very large part of your final product providing you have captured a good image to begin with. i can process better images on an iphone that look better than someone shooting with a $4,000 camera who doens't know how to edit. better cameras don't make better photographers. just my 2cents
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I'm the same way! I had the I1 but I sold it to get the I2. I also have a Mavic. I'm no professional but the I2 out the box is much better at taking pictures and video than my Mavic. I don't make many adjustments to the camera settings but there is a huge difference in definition in your pictures when using the Mavic. The I2 is so much better especially when capturing pictures that are far away.
Hi I have posted some X5R footage on...with this we need an ssd..section..check it out

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