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Android v1.1.0. known issues.

Aug 7, 2013
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Just a couple of things that are known (and DJI have confirmed)

  • The message 'Gimbal Calibration Failed' appears on start up of the Inspire
  • The HDR function on the app is only working for Phantom 3 Pro at the moment - Please note this WILL be unlocked for Inspire users shortly but at the moment it is greyed out. This will give automatic HDR shots (by processing in camera)
  • YouTube live streaming not supported through the current app - The next firmware release will support it.

Please note, I will post KNOWN issues on this thread only as and when they are confirmed to me from DJI.
Anything else on this thread about 'My firmware won't load' or 'The dog ate my remote' etc will magically disappear from this thread!

ONLY confirmed issues back from DJI will be posted here.

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So how do bugs get verified by DJI? I have several problems with the android app that have been verified with other users, but they are not listed in the list you have above. For instance:
1. The use of imperial has no affect on the values such as highest elevation. Its always in metric regardless of the setting for imperial.
2. Auto Takeoff does not display the correct icon after dong a manual takeoff and landing. It always displays the auto land icon/function.
3. Satellite count is non existent. It is in the IOS app but not the android app.
4. No flight simulator in the android version but is in the IOS version.

I wish someone would do a direct comparison between the IOS and the android app.
So how do bugs get verified by DJI? I have several problems with the android app that have been verified with other users, but they are not listed in the list you have above. For instance:
1. The use of imperial has no affect on the values such as highest elevation. Its always in metric regardless of the setting for imperial.
2. Auto Takeoff does not display the correct icon after dong a manual takeoff and landing. It always displays the auto land icon/function.
3. Satellite count is non existent. It is in the IOS app but not the android app.
4. No flight simulator in the android version but is in the IOS version.

I wish someone would do a direct comparison between the IOS and the android app.
Numbers 3 and 4 are not bugs so do not come under then scope of bug reporting (although satellite count is of little use in any case).
When DJI confirm to me a bug I post it on here.
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Numbers 3 and 4 are not bugs so do not come under then scope of bug reporting (although satellite count is of little use in any case).
When DJI confirm to me a bug I post it on here.

From your comment, am I to assume there is no intention of DJI to make the 2 applications have the same functionality? Also, not sure why you say satellite count is of little use. I think it is very important. This way you know if you are flying with a surplus of satellites versus borderline. With a surplus you may take the bird out over rougher terrain. If you have just enough to get the green lite from the app, you may fly a little more cautiously.
From your comment, am I to assume there is no intention of DJI to make the 2 applications have the same functionality? Also, not sure why you say satellite count is of little use. I think it is very important. This way you know if you are flying with a surplus of satellites versus borderline. With a surplus you may take the bird out over rougher terrain. If you have just enough to get the green lite from the app, you may fly a little more cautiously.
The reason satellite count is of little use is you have no way of knowing how many satellites from each constellation you are receiving (Navstar v Glonass).
Your satellite display may be reading 8 satellites which you would think is great but it could be four from each constellation which is not so good.
IMO, the bar graph was a much better option which gave quality of fix via HDOP/VDOP computation which is far more reliable than an arbitrary satellite number.
Just my two pennyworth :)
I have been told that simulator should make it to android (eventually)
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Mr Editor, I have an interesting question for you about the android version of the Pilot App.
When the last firmware update was released on the 26th of May, DJI had also updated the app to version 1.1.1. I had to retrieve it directly from DJI's support site. It was still on the older 1.1.0 in the play store. I just was at the support site again and they have reverted back to the 1.1.0. I am curious if I should revert back or should I stay with version 1.1.1? I have flown both of my birds on this version with no problems. The only difference I could see in the 1.1.1. version is that the battery indicater graph is smaller. Perhaps they were ready to include another feature or something. Can you elaborate on why they may have reverted back. Regards, blue...
Just a couple of things that are known (and DJI have confirmed)

  • The message 'Gimbal Calibration Failed' appears on start up of the Inspire
  • The HDR function on the app is only working for Phantom 3 Pro at the moment - Please note this WILL be unlocked for Inspire users shortly but at the moment it is greyed out. This will give automatic HDR shots (by processing in camera)
  • YouTube live streaming not supported through the current app - The next firmware release will support it.

Please note, I will post KNOWN issues on this thread only as and when they are confirmed to me from DJI.
Anything else on this thread about 'My firmware won't load' or 'The dog ate my remote' etc will magically disappear from this thread!

ONLY confirmed issues back from DJI will be posted here.


I think Mopar's point 3 and 4 are valid. You also were right; they are not issues. Mopar's points 3 and 4 were identical to your point about the YouTube live streaming (It is not an app defect; rather it is a feature).

The important questions is: Android/iOS users have bought the same VERY EXPENSIVE I1 to get the same set of features I1 can provide.. Why Android users do not have an identical set of app features that the iOS users are getting from DJI?! This is unethical.. IT IS UNFAIR.. Would you kindly please ask DJI why?!
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Does anyone know where older versions of the DJI Pilot App for Android can be found? Since updating to the latest version, my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 running Lolipop has become progressively unresponsive and eventually crashes. Maybe I can just uninstall the updates in the Samsung Applications Manager and that will downgrade me. Also, the audio voice cueing is gone.
Numbers 3 and 4 are not bugs so do not come under then scope of bug reporting (although satellite count is of little use in any case).
When DJI confirm to me a bug I post it on here.

Perhaps a bit off topic here, but I saw in another thread where you are collection the .apk files from previous versions of the DJI Pilot App for Android. I'm having issues with the latest version on some of my mobile devices and was wondering if I it would be possible for me to have you send me those files. I need to downgrade a device and cannot find old versions anywhere.

Thanks in advance!

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