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Battery-killing firmware bug?

In all honesty as long as the pack charges fine and performs as expected I would be inclined to keep it and not worry about the 57mAh.
I have 12 packs (8 Tb48's) I had one of them delivered to me with no LEDS upon arrival.
It charged fine and I kept an eye on it for performance for around the first 4 or 5 cycles. It didn't show any signs of lowered performance and took its place in my collection. It is still performing fine.
Obviously your call though.

Burnt my bridges, just modded both. Thanks for the advice.
Having had four TB48's self-destruct during storage (and one TB48 and one TB47) that did not, I was wondering whether DJI have replaced any of the batteries or offered replacements at a discount? Anyone know whether that's happened or do we just have to shrug and (in my case) write off the $800 as lost?

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Having had four TB48's self-destruct during storage (and one TB48 and one TB47) that did not, I was wondering whether DJI have replaced any of the batteries or offered replacements at a discount? Anyone know whether that's happened or do we just have to shrug and (in my case) write off the $800 as lost?

Some have been replaced.
I have PM'd you
I'm gutted to have recently opened my inspire with the intention of selling it
As i haven't had a chance to use it for a while (new baby, work, winter you know how it is)

i have 4 bricks for batteries. 2x TB47 with definite swelling, and 2xTB48 that look normal but no response.

The batteries were stored at half charge in a cool environment. I had the "latest" auto self discharge firmware.

So i contact DJI, explain the situation, 1 TB48 is in warranty, which they invited me to open a service repair for, but they declined to look at the other 3.

I am loathed to start taking the tops off batteries and fault testing them when DJI should be just replacing after all its their error.

I read another post somewhere (don't think it was this forum) where the user bought some new batteries from a well known online retailer switched the batteries and sent them back. Retailers will send their returns back to the supplier. So in essence you force DJI to take accountability for their error.

I will await DJI's response, i think i know what they will say.

This is my 2nd dealing with DJI service and i think i am qualified to say they have a nasty money making ethos. Can you imagine apple or samsung saying we released dodgy firmware, bricked your devices so buy some more!
If anyone has any senior customer service contact details, i would be grateful if you could pm me as i feel DJI need to take some accountability for this and the amazon route doesn't sit well with me morally.
If anyone has any senior customer service contact details, i would be grateful if you could pm me as i feel DJI need to take some accountability for this and the amazon route doesn't sit well with me morally.
[email protected]

Ed heads up customer service for North America.
He's a good guy but dont expect a lot of mileage on this as DJI have not and never will admit their firmware bug.
Thank you for your reply matt (at least i think i recall you being a matt.)

DJI not admitting the problem..... does this mean not touching anything out of warranty without some hefty charges?

Has anybody had them replace an out of warranty battery for this problem? I suspect i know the answer to this.
Thank you for your reply matt (at least i think i recall you being a matt.)

DJI not admitting the problem..... does this mean not touching anything out of warranty without some hefty charges?

Has anybody had them replace an out of warranty battery for this problem? I suspect i know the answer to this.
Close - it's Mark :)

The official line is they will not replace any that are out of warranty and this firmware bug just never existed.
However, I'm pretty confident Ed will take a look at your case but obviously can't guarantee any favourable outcome.
sorry its been a while since i was floating these forums.

Thank you Mark

I will spin an email across to the fella.

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