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Can you conect via APP to Inspire without X3 camera GL658B?????

Mar 2, 2016
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Hello All

Finally after a week of struggle my controller has finally let me reset it and i have now manually binded to inspire so i have a green light on controller and can raise/lower landing gear.

However its not all good as i cant connect the dji app to my inspire on my Sammy Note 4 , Ipad air etc , i have tried multiple different cables but i cant get past the how to connect option .

A bit of background , its a used Inspire which i got without the RC and i dont currrently have an X3 camera either.I have purchased a used RC so this is the first time i have connected RC and also the first time my note4 and ipad have connected to an inspire.

Note4 works fine with my P3 Standard.Ipad has never been connected to any DJI drone , i have just installed Go APP to be able to use it with Inspire.

I am wondering if i need the X3 present so i can connect app to Inspire when the app is connected to a new inspire , i have enabled usb debugging on my note 4 and i have also noticed that when i plug the controller into the ipad i dont get the authorisation message that i believe you get when connecting an ios device to the controller??

The rc seems to charge my note4 but when i hold down the hat(Academy) icon for 10 seconds in the APP to look at RC firmware version it says device N/A ,firmware version N/A .It displays exactly the same message when i open the app and its not connected to RC??

I think i might have a knackered USB port???

RC is GL658B , from what i have read you cant update RC via usb on GL658B as its through the APP only.

Can anyone confirm that if you have a virgin RC , Inspire and Phone/tablet that you need the X3 connected to be able to select inspire and open app properly????

At the moment i open the APP select inspire and it just shows the How to connect button instead of Camera.

Thanks in advance.

Hello All

Finally after a week of struggle my controller has finally let me reset it and i have now manually binded to inspire so i have a green light on controller and can raise/lower landing gear.

However its not all good as i cant connect the dji app to my inspire on my Sammy Note 4 , Ipad air etc , i have tried multiple different cables but i cant get past the how to connect option .

A bit of background , its a used Inspire which i got without the RC and i dont currrently have an X3 camera either.I have purchased a used RC so this is the first time i have connected RC and also the first time my note4 and ipad have connected to an inspire.

Note4 works fine with my P3 Standard.Ipad has never been connected to any DJI drone , i have just installed Go APP to be able to use it with Inspire.

I am wondering if i need the X3 present so i can connect app to Inspire when the app is connected to a new inspire , i have enabled usb debugging on my note 4 and i have also noticed that when i plug the controller into the ipad i dont get the authorisation message that i believe you get when connecting an ios device to the controller??

The rc seems to charge my note4 but when i hold down the hat(Academy) icon for 10 seconds in the APP to look at RC firmware version it says device N/A ,firmware version N/A .It displays exactly the same message when i open the app and its not connected to RC??

I think i might have a knackered USB port???

RC is GL658B , from what i have read you cant update RC via usb on GL658B as its through the APP only.

Can anyone confirm that if you have a virgin RC , Inspire and Phone/tablet that you need the X3 connected to be able to select inspire and open app properly????

At the moment i open the APP select inspire and it just shows the How to connect button instead of Camera.

Thanks in advance.

You do not need the camera attached to connect, but it does make things a lot easier as you get visual confirmation everything is working as it should with regards to video feed etc.
From what you describe it sounds as though you may have a bad USB port, however I would confirm the diagnosis first before you spend any money.
As you are in the UK (not sure where you are based) could you maybe find a local friendly dealer that would allow you to confirm whether you have a bad RC/port. You could then say you will purchase the HDMI/USB module from them if that is found as the cause?
Hello Ed
I have looked about and the closest dealer to Liverpool seems to be Quadcopters.co.uk but its still an hour drive away.

The remote was sold to me as working so i think i will be best returning it but its a nightmare as it come from the US.

Unless i confirm its the HDMI/USB Board and the seller is willing to refund the amount the board costs.

Just wanted to make sure i had covered everything before return it.

Hello Ed
I have looked about and the closest dealer to Liverpool seems to be Quadcopters.co.uk but its still an hour drive away.

The remote was sold to me as working so i think i will be best returning it but its a nightmare as it come from the US.

Unless i confirm its the HDMI/USB Board and the seller is willing to refund the amount the board costs.

Just wanted to make sure i had covered everything before return it.

Hmmmm.....I see what you mean. I think I would still be inclined to see if you can diagnose the USB port. Maybe call Quadcopter to set up a day when you can take it in? Or maybe find someone in your area who is willing to try their remote etc?
Sending stuff back internationally is a nightmare and sometimes it's cheaper and less hassle just not to bother and try and sort it locally.

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