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Conversation with DJI

May 28, 2015
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Below is a copy of the conversation I had with DJI just this morning.

Make your own minds up on this one.

Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

Hello, thanks for contacting DJI. You can reach us by:
E-mail to: [email protected]
Send an e-mail containing your name, phone number, location, product Serial Number, and brief description of your issue, and our service team will contact you as soon as possible. DJI regional offices during local working hours:
North America:
Call +1 (818) 235-0789, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm PST, or e-mail [email protected]
EU Member Countries:
Call +49 (0) 9747-9304200, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Central Europe time, or e-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected]
If you have any pre-sales questions about DJI products before you buy, please write to us at [email protected], and we will respond shortly.

Thank you!


Hi Kiki,

Hello,what can I do for you

I would like some help on the issues that inspire users are experiencing with regards to flyaways and the like

I am based in the UK and going through the process to become a commercial UAV pilot, however I now have no confidence in the inspire and safety is a real issue

please wait for a moment

I have to fly following all the regulations from the CAA and the manufactures (DJI) I have to record each and every flight that I have done so, I have not flown my inspire since March as I cannot be sure that something bad will happen, I bought a dual remote system with 5 batteries and I cannot ensure its safety for both the general public and myself.

Sorry, the flyaway is just a small probability event

Small probability renders it unfit for purpose in the eyes of the UK law

Sorry, our products have high quality and because of that you purchased our product and we appreciate that for your support

UK Trading Standards Act states that if goods are unfit for purpose then you must accept the good returned, this is irrespective of where you are in the world

[Auto reply]
Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.
As I am sure you can appreciate, we received many requests for technical information and as a result are not able to provide instant replies. Please be assured that your request is being dealt with and a reply will be sent ASAP.
Thank you for your understanding.

Please don't worry, if it is our products problem we will be responsible of that

Yes but what if it kills someone?

It depends on it is the products' problem or it is the pilot's improper operation

I never contacted you about pilot error, I contacted you regarding the safety issues with the Inspire, therefore I will ask again, what if it kills someone?

Sorry please wait for a moment

Have I to assume given your silence that DJI's responsibility ends at the replacement of the machine and the pilots are responsible for everything else that may follow. Legally if I cannot ensure the safety of all concerned when I fly then by virtue of a completed risk assessment then I cannot carry out the flight.

Sorry we always recommend that to fly the aircraft in a broad place and put the safty issuse as the most importance when you are flying the flight, but if you still worry about that you could buy some insurance of that

I have insurance, but you are still missing the point, please stop avoiding the question. You are having problems with the safety of this craft and yet you don't mind if the end users cause serious injury as long as DJI can continue to sell them. So I'll ask again for the third time, what if someone is killed and not as a result of pilot error?

Quote, safety issue as the most importance, these are your words. I cannot guarantee safety and therefore should not fly and therefore what good is your machine to me or any other pilot given this statement?

Have the pilots and Insurance Companies to pick up the slack as a result of DJI's poor R&D?

Hmmm silence, thank you for your help, you have provided me with enough support to ensure I choose the correct decision regards safety. I will now ground my Inspire indefinitely and put the poor investment down to experience.


Ex DJI customer
What exactly do you expect?

Sounds like you should forget about doing anything with multirotors right now as nothing that currently exists will please you.
I expect DJI to take ownership of the issues, and if you think safety is not an issue then this in turn can only lead to bad things for all of us but thank you for turning these issues into my personal expectations.
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Below is a copy of the conversation I had with DJI just this morning.

Make your own minds up on this one.

Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

Hello, thanks for contacting DJI. You can reach us by:
E-mail to: [email protected]
Send an e-mail containing your name, phone number, location, product Serial Number, and brief description of your issue, and our service team will contact you as soon as possible. DJI regional offices during local working hours:
North America:
Call +1 (818) 235-0789, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm PST, or e-mail [email protected]
EU Member Countries:
Call +49 (0) 9747-9304200, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Central Europe time, or e-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected]
If you have any pre-sales questions about DJI products before you buy, please write to us at [email protected], and we will respond shortly.

Thank you!


Hi Kiki,

Hello,what can I do for you

I would like some help on the issues that inspire users are experiencing with regards to flyaways and the like

I am based in the UK and going through the process to become a commercial UAV pilot, however I now have no confidence in the inspire and safety is a real issue

please wait for a moment

I have to fly following all the regulations from the CAA and the manufactures (DJI) I have to record each and every flight that I have done so, I have not flown my inspire since March as I cannot be sure that something bad will happen, I bought a dual remote system with 5 batteries and I cannot ensure its safety for both the general public and myself.

Sorry, the flyaway is just a small probability event

Small probability renders it unfit for purpose in the eyes of the UK law

Sorry, our products have high quality and because of that you purchased our product and we appreciate that for your support

UK Trading Standards Act states that if goods are unfit for purpose then you must accept the good returned, this is irrespective of where you are in the world

[Auto reply]
Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.
As I am sure you can appreciate, we received many requests for technical information and as a result are not able to provide instant replies. Please be assured that your request is being dealt with and a reply will be sent ASAP.
Thank you for your understanding.

Please don't worry, if it is our products problem we will be responsible of that

Yes but what if it kills someone?

It depends on it is the products' problem or it is the pilot's improper operation

I never contacted you about pilot error, I contacted you regarding the safety issues with the Inspire, therefore I will ask again, what if it kills someone?

Sorry please wait for a moment

Have I to assume given your silence that DJI's responsibility ends at the replacement of the machine and the pilots are responsible for everything else that may follow. Legally if I cannot ensure the safety of all concerned when I fly then by virtue of a completed risk assessment then I cannot carry out the flight.

Sorry we always recommend that to fly the aircraft in a broad place and put the safty issuse as the most importance when you are flying the flight, but if you still worry about that you could buy some insurance of that

I have insurance, but you are still missing the point, please stop avoiding the question. You are having problems with the safety of this craft and yet you don't mind if the end users cause serious injury as long as DJI can continue to sell them. So I'll ask again for the third time, what if someone is killed and not as a result of pilot error?

Quote, safety issue as the most importance, these are your words. I cannot guarantee safety and therefore should not fly and therefore what good is your machine to me or any other pilot given this statement?

Have the pilots and Insurance Companies to pick up the slack as a result of DJI's poor R&D?

Hmmm silence, thank you for your help, you have provided me with enough support to ensure I choose the correct decision regards safety. I will now ground my Inspire indefinitely and put the poor investment down to experience.


Ex DJI customer

I'm not sure what exactly you are after.

Their are plenty of DJI Inspire owners operating commercially with full PFAW from the CAA. Every multirotor on the planet can have a malfunction, the same as every car, every plane and basically everything mechanical - the Inspire is no different.
Your risk assessment is not complex. It is (at most) a 5 x 5 matrix which can be determined and factored very easily. Perhaps because you come from a company that sells safety checks for a living all your matrices would be at level 5 (Multiple fatalities/Almost Certain)!

The fact that you are flying an Inspire (or not in your case) has no bearing on whether or not you get PFAW granted. If you feel uncomfortable flying a quadcopter then why not elect for something with more redundancy such as Hex or Octo?

Additionally, you are incorrect in your interpretation of the Sales of Goods Act 1976 (as amended) as this particular legislation is only applicable to the United Kingdom not the whole world, (although other forms of recourse are available to you via various European laws). You would have a hard job (in my opinion) in proving the Inspire is not fit for purpose since there are thousands of them out there producing great results with no 'incidents
C'mon John, please do not be another one of those people. You can not blame DJI for all of the impossible to predict issues. Again, as was said when it came out, it is a new platform and it is one of the best out there. To come at DJI in advance of an issue that is not even that likely is just not going to get anyone anywhere. What you are talking about is an issue all multi-rotors can have. Why not ask the car company what happens when you blow out a tire and kill someone? It is just as likely and just as much not their fault. In my eyes everything they said was completely correct. If you can find a ZERO problems mutlicopter or even one with just less issues than the inspire, please, enlighten us all.
Yeah, I'm with these guys on this one. Not exactly sure what you're looking for out of this.

First off, DJI tech support is like the worst joke in the book, get out or accept it and get used it to it, they don't seem to be changing that anytime soon, it's been this way since the dawn of their products. In theory everything you buy from them should be written off as "experience" This isn't to say a few people haven't had a decent experience but for the most part bad. This also isn't in relation to their actual products, while yes they typically start rough eventually they are figured out.

I have never seen one multirotor, short of my hubsan and naze systems (but these aren't nearly as advanced as DJI or other companies) that haven't had some kind of issue or another, I'm only speaking from my own experience here, I'm sure somebody has witnessed a flyaway out of those machines. If safety is your uppmost concern I'm rather in awe that you were even considering an Inspire, let alone a quad based platform. Sounds like you're after a custom built x8, y6, or flat octo with all the redundant bells and whistles, and a couple parachutes just for good measure, for your needs
I doubt you are trying to be a commercial UAS operater, and bet you are just a DJI hater sitting in Mama's basement pissed you cant afford what we have. So genius, what UAS you gonna fly that Guarantees safety? I fly a $25,000 UAS built by another company for work. It has crashed three times. All three were sensor errors. Nobody was hurt because we take precautions to make flying as safe as possible. What car company guarantees safety, do you drive, what airline guarantees safety? Do you fly to these commercial jobs you want to work on? Of course you don't because your sitting in a fetal position scared to move because nobody has guaranteed your safety to walk the streets outside. Nice job beating up on a tech support person from behind your computer, make you feel like a big man John? Now start saving up for that new Walkera toys mini quad you have been wanting since Christmas.
I doubt you are trying to be a commercial UAS operater, and bet you are just a DJI hater sitting in Mama's basement pissed you cant afford what we have. So genius, what UAS you gonna fly that Guarantees safety? I fly a $25,000 UAS built by another company for work. It has crashed three times. All three were sensor errors. Nobody was hurt because we take precautions to make flying as safe as possible. What car company guarantees safety, do you drive, what airline guarantees safety? Do you fly to these commercial jobs you want to work on? Of course you don't because your sitting in a fetal position scared to move because nobody has guaranteed your safety to walk the streets outside. Nice job beating up on a tech support person from behind your computer, make you feel like a big man John? Now start saving up for that new Walkera toys mini quad you have been wanting since Christmas.
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I expect DJI to take ownership of the issues, and if you think safety is not an issue then this in turn can only lead to bad things for all of us but thank you for turning these issues into my personal expectations.
Safety is an issue, YOUR issue.
Today's equipment is prone to failure regardless of manufacturer and price, we all know it... knowing this YOU decide whether to fly a given job at a given location or not, and if you choose to fly it's your responsibility for anything that may happen.

You will not find any multirotor manufacturer who guarantees their product is 100% fault-free, if there was one it would likely have gone out of business already. They all do their best so things that go up in the air are as safe as possible, but in the end any thing can have flaws.
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The Inspire 1 has been a quantum leap forward in the UAV world as well as the "real world". What percentage of buyers who suddenly trash £2K+ worth of drone want it to be someone else's fault so they can try to get their money back?
No doubt there have been a few rogue products - who can expect otherwise when anything is produced, purchased and flown in such quantities and in such a short period of time (in MANY cases by totally inexperienced owners - and I am not saying this about @John Campbell - I am just trying to look critically at the truth behind each individual crash event that has added to John's concern).
However, I wonder what percentage of these crashes were through inexperience, over confidence and not knowing how to respond quickly enough to a change in circumstances or flight characteristics? This collective of people are distorting the truth in their hope for compensation.
There are so many satisfied and capable UAV users - recording the world in places and ways never done as such previously.
Only the other day on this forum there was a user who had filmed Austin Texas, just a couple of days prior the terrible flooding - and then another, showing the aftermath of those floods. This actually represents as large a change to recording our surroundings as the move from celluloid film dedicated cameras to the masses having mobile phones with built in digital cameras. Look back 20 years - there isn't a child, place or event that was photographed or filmed as the world is now. UAVs with cameras are the next evolution of that process.
And @John Campbell, did you only join this forum to vent your spleen? Your entry for this thread is your first ever posting!

I wonder if Henry Ford had this trouble?
The Inspire 1 has been a quantum leap forward in the UAV world... I wonder if Henry Ford had this trouble?

Actually, Henry Ford was once asked how long he expected his cars to last. His answer was: "Forever, as you replace the parts as they wear out."
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John, you are being totally ridiculous..... And I'm trying to be nice here. That was an absurd conversation to have with a low level Tech from DJI, or any other company for that matter. The vast majority are flying DJI products without incident. I personally have two Vision Plus, a Phantom 3, and an Inspire. Only had one crash with my first Vision Plus and it was 100% my fault.

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