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Dead X5/ Ribbon cable problem

Mar 25, 2023
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So my X5 isn't working so connection to remote /iPad and gimbal is lifeless, from looking at other threads it seems like it's most likely the ribbon cable /flex cable I have use a multimeter on each end of it too see if they are connected together still and I have got some strange results when touching one pin on the drone end it beeps (showing they are connected together) for multiple pins on the other end is this normal ? Or is this evidence of a broken cable ?

fan and green lights do come on and lens does react /seem to be working

the bigger of the ribon cables that is inside the camera doesnt seem to beep/be connected to anything
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What’s the background. Did it work before and what’s changed since then ? Do you get any app \ inspire connection at all ? What does the app say? Does the gimbal do it’s dance on power up
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What’s the background. Did it work before and what’s changed since then ? Do you get any app \ inspire connection at all ? What does the app say? Does the gimbal do it’s dance on power up
it was working havnt updated or anything my x3 works fine with the drone, the app says camera not connected , no start up dance or anything green light does come on and lens reacts to light being shon in it whitch makes me thing the actual camera is alove but the gimbal and connection to the drone isnt .
it was working havnt updated or anything my x3 works fine with the drone, the app says camera not connected , no start up dance or anything green light does come on and lens reacts to light being shon in it whitch makes me thing the actual camera is alove but the gimbal and connection to the drone isnt .
I don't know what it is, but I know what it is NOT. Don't let anybody tell you it's firmware. I have connected 3 different X5's to my Inspire 1, all 3 with different firmwares with nary a problem. I'll give more detail if you want it.

I don't know what it is, but I know what it is NOT. Don't let anybody tell you it's firmware. I have connected 3 different X5's to my Inspire 1, all 3 with different firmwares with nary a problem. I'll give more detail if you want it.

Yes please if you could
Yes please if you could
My Inspire 1 is running FW v1.08.xx. I can't remember all the X5 FW versions, but they were vastly different. One camera was many versions behind. The second camera was a few versions behind. The third X5 was up-to-date (as of a year ago). I flew all three cameras, took video, etc. They all worked perfectly. None were missing any features like autofocus, for example. It has been purported in this forum that updating to the latest X5 version is advantageous for the camera, but absolutely detrimental to the Inspire 1. So if you DO update your X5 to the latest version, make sure you roll back you Inspire's FW to v1.08.xx (all this is covered in great detail throughout this forum). The catch is that you can't use the X5 to roll back the Inspire 1's firmware. You risk bricking the X5 if you do that. You have to use the X3 for that. Again, all of this is covered in great detail. So if the spirit moves you, do a forum search for "firmware." Make sure you have a couple hours to spare.

Ok thank you for the Information I will leave it on the fw it has been on , I have ordered a new ribbon cable and am going to attempt the fix soon I will let you know how it goes when done
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Thank you all for your help successfully changed the ribon cable and finally got to do a full test on it yesterday and it's good as new


  • PXL_20230429_144217122.jpg
    2.5 MB · Views: 7
Curious, where did you find the replacement cable?
AliExpress was £17 +vat (£20 ish ) and arrived to the UK in about a week installation took a good few hours as I was being super careful if you attempt it make sure that the magnetic nut on the tops orientation is marked
Az AliExpress 17 GBP + áfa (20 GBP) volt, és körülbelül egy hét alatt megérkezett az Egyesült Királyságba. A telepítés jó pár órát vett igénybe, mivel nagyon óvatos voltam, ha megpróbálja, győződjön meg róla, hogy a mágneses anya a tetején található.
Helló. Hol található a mágneses anya? A gimball felső rögzítő anyája?

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