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Dear DJI

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Nov 7, 2014
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Dear DJI,

How are you?! It's been a while. I know you're busy fixing all those glitches but we haven't talked in a while and I thought I'd say hello. Not too much new on my end other than the Inspire I purchased from you doesn't work properly and I can't use it for work. I've been unable to fly it safely for more than a few minutes since its embarrassingly late arrival in late January because I don't have the propeller locks you guys had to retrofit. I'm guessing you didn't spend enough time in R&D or rushed production just to get your product to market and figured you'd work out all the bugs at a later date. We can all get rushed sometimes and to think the holidays were right around the corner! Think of all those people who wouldn't have purchased the Inspire had they known it wouldn't arrive until January. Hey, but what do I know about drones anyway? I'm just trying to track down the extra batteries I ordered with the Inspire back in November. Have you seen them around anywhere? Well they have yet to arrive so as far as I'm concerned I still don't have a functional drone that I paid you upwards of $3500 for - in advance I might add. I guess you guys needed beer money back in November or something. Maybe a car payment, I don't know.

DJI, wasn't I surprised when I unboxed my Inspire, charged up the one battery it came with and tried to download the app for my brand new iPad I bought solely to use with the Inspire and I couldn't find the app on your website or app store. That whole Apple iPad app thing was just your way of adding a little more excitement to the unboxing experience , right?! I mean unboxing my new Inspire was great but I was totally over the top when I found out that you guys went through the trouble to make it EXTRA exciting by making me have to go to a forum to find the app through a back door bootleg app just to interface with my Inspire. Now that was awesome! I mean, I saw people using pretty much nothing BUT iPads ....and I'm pretty sure you even listed the iPad as the recommended platform in all of your videos, ads and that well rehearsed unveiling you did back on November 12th. Yeah, I know, I won't bring that up again - ouch. But it WAS just an oversight right? Because a company like DJI would have surely cleared their app with Apple well in advance to releasing it ...right? There's no way DJI would have left all their consumers out in the cold and unable to use their shiny new iPads. And the customer service representative in California that told me to "buy an android tablet" was joking when he suggested it as a way to interface with my Inspire? You guys sure are kidders! I love a company with a sense of humor! I have to say, the back door bootleg Apple iPad app I was able to get my hands on is super awesome! I really haven't had a chance to actually use it much because my Inspire only has one battery and no prop locks but I have had hours of enjoyment looking at it.

In the interim, while I wait patiently for you to fix the long string of errors with the Inspire I'm searching for extra batteries for this sexy looking drone that can't fly and it seems that few if any of the outlets authorized to hawk your wares has any. You see, the extra batteries and props I ordered with my Inspire back in November failed to arrive with the Inspire and no one seems to know when they'll show up. That's really odd. Perhaps they were lost in the mail? But hell, it sure looks good sitting on my desk! I have some marketing ideas that you might want to adopt. Don't worry, they're free of charge as a sign of gratitude for all you've done. Here you go: How about marketing a dust cover for the Inspire so it doesn't collect too much dust while it sits on a desk or in the corner while people are waiting for silly things like extra batteries, parts or software fixes. You could emblazon the DJI logo on the side, it'd look really cool! For the big spenders you could market a clear case so people could gaze fondly at their Inspire as it sits in the corner. People might want to put their drinks on it and use it as a table. The super cool Inspire coffee table! Think of how Inspired people will be when they see it! I think they're million dollar ideas and I hope you run with it!

Seeing as I haven't really been able to fly my Inspire all that much lately I can't speak from personal experience, but I heard these strange rumors that the Inspire can't launch from a boat but that can't be true because you guys said yourselves one of the really NEAT features of dynamic home point was for situations "like on a boat" right!? It must be a rumor because I know you guys wouldn't advertise something unless it were true, right? It must be a rumor generated by a rival company or one of those nasty trolls on the forums because DJI wouldn't just say stuff that wasn't true in order to make their product look better. Don't worry DJI, I trust you.

Well anyway, it's been nice chatting with you but I really have to get back to work now. Lets do it again soon. I'll be sure and post some videos and pics of the "ole girl on my desk. Not nearly as exciting as actual video taken from the Inspire but for an undetermined amount of time it'll have to do. I'm sure you have valid excuses for all of it and I am looking forward to hearing all of them. I'm certain you'll address them promptly. If you happen to find my batteries and props lying around, just stick them in the mail for me please.

Warmest Regards
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Why not just return it if your un happy ? The only issue and yes a pretty jacked up one at that is the iOS issue. But guess what it's still available if you want it. And the whole prop lock thing is bs and I even have my doubts they would keep a loose prop from m coming off. Yes the inspire has a few quirks. I don't think one ever bought one piece of cutting edge tech that didint. He'll there's been bugs in every single go pro camera released. Remember when thst was supposed to have live streaming but it suddenly went away. Yep **** happens sucks as the consumer but you do have a choice to not buy it. Everyone needs to stop crying. There is absolutely nothing keeping you from flying your or anyone's inspire right now.
I was told I cant return mine because I flew it. I am sick of people defending this company.
I was told I cant return mine because I flew it. I am sick of people defending this company.
I was told I cant return mine because I flew it. I am sick of people defending this company.
Way to edit your post. Tough guy who's defending. ? I said if yiur not happy return it if you can't do that sell it. Your waisting your life away worrying about a quad copter. Dude there's way more to life. Guess what there's quirks with mine and issues time to time. If I cAn find something better id buy it but please show me in this price ranged where there is another quad with a controllable camera settings etc etc ? Does dji customer service suck yes and when I don't want to deal with it anymore I'll sell my ****. Just like you should. But Jesus stop crying. Ok now tell me to **** off like before.


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You know in traditional aviation you have changes to correct mfg. defects. They're call AD's airworthiness directives, they can be quite expensive & the aircraft owner is not only responsible for the cost but the aircraft can be grounded until the repairs are performed.

AD's came about before our legal system raised a population of snitches in a high performance blame game, called liability. So if you're so if your unwilling to wait it out, by all means contact an attorney, I believe the cost of the inspire 1 is just outside the realm of small claims, but I doubt that was by design. DJI is learning all about our legal system as they go, so I'd expect their costs may increase as we forward.

WOW! That wasn't called for! Okay in light of the 'FO' PRIVATE MESSAGE, make a list & call them...

Your state attorney general's office ( but don't use the same language as here..)
Your local BBB office & file a complaint.
Hire an attorney for a ~$200-$300 & have him file a complaint within the county you reside & send a letter requesting the return & refund of the inspire 1.

Be prepared & have clear & concise examples of how the product was misrepresented or fails to operated as described, the peril this put you in as a result & the options available to fix the problem. This process is not for buyers remorse & if that's what you have, you'll only be wasting more money & everyone's time.

Last thing is maybe your confusing people's frustration regarding post's similar to yours. There's an excessive amount of them & they all have the same content. Individual's are frustrated to the point they'll post imaginary conversations with DJI in hopes that something will happen or simply to vent, however no amount of suggestions from others seem to matter in the least bit. There never seems to be a path to resolution that's desirable or changes the attitude of the original poster. So in the end, it's a wasted thread. Multiply this several times & you have a forum filled with repeated post from the same person! This makes other go elsewhere for information regarding the Inspire1.

I've tried to offer you what I believe are you available options, please use these suggestions & post your progress as you go thru all of it, I would be very interested to know how it goes & I imagine there are others as well.

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Way to edit your post. Tough guy who's defending. ? I said if yiur not happy return it if you can't do that sell it. Your waisting your life away worrying about a quad copter. Dude there's way more to life. Guess what there's quirks with mine and issues time to time. If I cAn find something better id buy it but please show me in this price ranged where there is another quad with a controllable camera settings etc etc ? Does dji customer service suck yes and when I don't want to deal with it anymore I'll sell my ****. Just like you should. But Jesus stop crying. Ok now tell me to **** off like before.
I did edit my post, I didn't think I should be such a **** but after your reply I'm totally comfortable telling you to **** off. Why should I lose any money on this deal? Every dollar I have means a lot to me and my family. That's why it matters.
Small claims. Is $10,000 in la county. Your prob get your money back on the iOS issue alone. But to get a judgment go through court then attempt to get paid afterwards is just not worth it. If someone' wants to go class action they better have deep pockets. Up front.
Why not just return it if your un happy ? The only issue and yes a pretty jacked up one at that is the iOS issue. But guess what it's still available if you want it. And the whole prop lock thing is bs and I even have my doubts they would keep a loose prop from m coming off. Yes the inspire has a few quirks. I don't think one ever bought one piece of cutting edge tech that didint. He'll there's been bugs in every single go pro camera released. Remember when thst was supposed to have live streaming but it suddenly went away. Yep **** happens sucks as the consumer but you do have a choice to not buy it. Everyone needs to stop crying. There is absolutely nothing keeping you from flying your or anyone's inspire right now.
If DJI is ready to buy back my Inspire I'll send it off today. As far as I know returning it is not an option. However, selling it is. But unlike DJI I wouldn't sell something to someone knowing that it doesn't work properly. No, the ios issue isn't the only one. There is a long list of issues that present not only a small problem but render the Inspire potentially unsafe for flight and unusable for professional work not to mention the unavailability of effing batteries. How can you go to a job and expect to fly for 15 minutes? If you haven't done so already, try a search for "Inspire crash" , "Inspire problems"on youtube. Would you like to buy someone a new garage door because your Inspire flew into it? How about a car repair or perhaps a trip to the hospital because your drone flew into something or dropped from the sky? Not worth the liability as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, new tech comes with problems. Unforeseen problems are expected in many things. Most companies would never release their product until it was finished. Panasonic, Sony, etc have released product information only to withhold the actual product until it is finished. These same companies also don't announce that their product can boat launch and is compatible with the most popular tablet on the planet only to find that neither is true on release. Another little tidbit DJI failed to be open about is the inability to pan camera with one controller. If you want to pan you need a second $650 controller. That info only made the light of day much later. The Inspire was purchased based on a specific release date, specific options and capabilities. Only AFTER receiving it did we all become aware of the shortcomings and outright lies. To use your gopro analogy, did gopro tell everyone that the camera could interface with an iPhone - only to find it simply can't when you took it out of the package? Did they say it could be used outdoors when it couldn't? Did they promise a first week of Dec delivery and push that back to end of January? Did they send you a gopro with one battery and no other way to get a hold of more? DJI may as well have sent a battery without a charger. What if you're on a remote location with one effing battery? If you can't produce it - don't promise it because people such as myself relied on the info we received and believed it.

There's a large difference between crying and anger. I hear few people crying and many more absolutely pissed off on so many levels for so many - very valid - things.

You can try and belittle all of our valid complaints by calling it crying but those of us who "cry" won't be silenced. Those of us who aren't recipients of Inspire beta freebies or work for DJI and have a vested interest in the company - the true consumers, are not happy.
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Small claims. Is $10,000 in la county. Your prob get your money back on the iOS issue alone. But to get a judgment go through court then attempt to get paid afterwards is just not worth it. If someone' wants to go class action they better have deep pockets. Up front.
I'm not a lawyer nor do I have deep pockets, I'm just desperate for some sort of accountability from this company. Any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated excluding selling or returning because those are not options.
I did edit my post, I didn't think I should be such a **** but after your reply I'm totally comfortable telling you to **** off. Why should I lose any money on this deal? Every dollar I have means a lot to me and my family. That's why it matters.
If every $ matters and you can't afford a loss then you prob shouldent have spent above your means. Anyone whoever buys a piece a tech and expects to not take a loss if and when they sell it is fooling themselves. At the very least if money is so tight don't be the first one to jump out and buy a new product. I'm willing to bet you could sell it right now for a few hundred less and be done with it. Hell you might even find someone to give you full price. Maybe you should try.
A few years ago Yamaha produced the R6 and it was loved by all. A short while later someone realized the tachometer read 1000rpm higher than the actual engine rpm. Yamaha immediately made the statement that they would buy back the R6's from anyone who was dissatisfied with their R6. Let's see DJI make a statement like that. Yamaha was willing to buy back a $10,000 motorcycle over a 1000rpm discrepancy. They hadn't made any grandiose promises that they hadn't met, fallen completely short on their production quality or made outright lies in the way DJI has. None of us were ever told that "in the future" it will be compatible with Apple or "in the future" it will be able to take off from a boat or "in the future" we'll have the issues worked out. NO ****! In the friggin future humans will be living on Mars. How about that functional drone that you promised us yesterday?
If DJI is ready to buy back my Inspire I'll send it off today. As far as I know returning it is not an option. However, selling it is. But unlike DJI I wouldn't sell something to someone knowing that it doesn't work properly. No, the ios issue isn't the only one. There is a long list of issues that present not only a small problem but render the Inspire potentially unsafe for flight and unusable for professional work not to mention the unavailability of effing batteries. How can you go to a job and expect to fly for 15 minutes? If you haven't done so already, try a search for "Inspire crash" , "Inspire problems"on youtube. Would you like to buy someone a new garage door because your Inspire flew into it? How about a car repair or perhaps a trip to the hospital because your drone flew into something or dropped from the sky? Not worth the liability as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, new tech comes with problems. Unforeseen problems are expected in many things. Most companies would never release their product until it was finished. Panasonic, Sony, etc have released product information only to withhold the actual product until it is finished. These same companies also don't announce that their product can boat launch and is compatible with the most popular tablet on the planet only to find that neither is true on release. Another little tidbit DJI failed to be open about is the inability to pan camera with one controller. If you want to pan you need a second $650 controller. That info only made the light of day much later. The Inspire was purchased based on a specific release date, specific options and capabilities. Only AFTER receiving it did we all become aware of the shortcomings and outright lies. To use your gopro analogy, did gopro tell everyone that the camera could interface with an iPhone - only to find it simply can't when you took it out of the package? Did they say it could be used outdoors when it couldn't? Did they promise a first week of Dec delivery and push that back to end of January? Did they send you a gopro with one battery and no other way to get a hold of more? DJI may as well have sent a battery without a charger. What if you're on a remote location with one effing battery? If you can't produce it - don't promise it because people such as myself relied on the info we received and believed it.

There's a large difference between crying and anger. I hear few people crying and many more absolutely pissed off on so many levels for so many - very valid - things.
You can pan and tilt from the app second controller not needed. You obviously didint read my go pro comment. So in fact yes go pro promised live streaming with a iphine or android and then pulled it. And we get live view with a major un usable delay. Through the app. To your crashing issues weren't those already adresed with the Imu update ? If your a professional and doesn't suit you. Then so be it yes lack of batteries suck but then again there are places that have them. Understandably your frustrated with the issues this presents to you. So you can sell it or keep it and wait. But I'm really curious where are all these major safety issues ? That the inspire presents that others don't. ?
I did edit my post, I didn't think I should be such a **** but after your reply I'm totally comfortable telling you to **** off. Why should I lose any money on this deal? Every dollar I have means a lot to me and my family. That's why it matters.

It's post like this, you guys wonder why DJI rarely visits these forums? keep up the great work!
It's post like this, you guys wonder why DJI rarely visits these forums? keep up the great work!
Well, point me to where DJI will listen. Have YOU tried to call them? I have. Have YOU emailed them? I have and I'm still waiting for a reply. "Tech support" on DJI website CLEARLY does not speak English as their responses are barely understandable. Tech support in Cali suggested I buy an android tablet to be able to interface with the Inspire. That was their sage advice. To hell with their "oh well" attitude.
I am not wondering at all about DJI. They do not give a **** about any of this, in any forum, on any level. I am not going to kiss the *** of a company that is so far removed from caring that they are willing to pull this ********. They're dead WRONG in doing what they have AND continue to do. The only thing that is remotely shocking are the people who continue to grind their noses up the *** of DJI and make excuses for them. It seems the "oh well" attitude of tech support and the "they'll fix it all eventually" attitude of the *** kissers and DJI-files that believe the beloved company puts out a great product and can do no wrong is a perfect match. In fact, perhaps they ARE the same people because only someone who's working for the corporation could possibly adopt such a drink the Kool-aid attitude. Have another glass guys! I'm just going to sit back and wait for DJI to answer my emails.
Agreed, I have tried everything, and the dealer I bought the inspire from has tried everything!

Here is a gem from the dji forum for all of you that think this company gives a ****.

"Last edited by Renaat In 2015-1-30 11:11 Editor

HELLO disencouraged customers,

we are a Belgian/Chinese couple living in China and ordered january 29th 2015 inspire-1 with spare battery. Untill today our order is not booked as paid, knowing that money transfer in China takes maximum as 1 hour (bravo China). Their answer about it: IT problem.......
My Chinese wife took sales in confidence on the phone: here is result:
DJI has NO stock at all ! All is going to production "AFTER" payment (if their is money to pay the production factory). For China only 2 units will be available next week. There are 4 orders. The system blocks when order is not possible. So we have to wait until the other 4 passed by the system and then we will be listed as paid. As being an experienced buyer in China "never" believe what a chinese says as a lie is not disgraceful in China, it is "normal", because Chinese have no balls to tell you the truth. Aware that they must have millions of dollars on their account and no one unit in stock makes me very worry. Looking to the videos where Mr. Ceo Cheng lives in 5 star hotels around the world to make video-publicity ... to get more hungry DJI-lovers making payments on his account without any unit in stock, neither to be able to answer to the hunderds of disappointed honest customers.
That is China !
This experience we already had several times ! Never the truth ! In China NO respect for customer, only respect for bankaccount to get financed.

Feel free to ask advice.
Here already one:
Buy through the most important sales platform taobao/tmall. Why: DJI mentions to have stock, once put order (and paid), DJI MUST deliver within 2 days otherwise they will be severely punished by Tmall and loose all credits and Chinese market !"
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Well, point me to where DJI will listen. Have YOU tried to call them? I have. Have YOU emailed them? I have and I'm still waiting for a reply. "Tech support" on DJI website CLEARLY does not speak English as their responses are barely understandable. Tech support in Cali suggested I buy an android tablet to be able to interface with the Inspire. That was their sage advice. To hell with their "oh well" attitude.
I am not wondering at all about DJI. They do not give a **** about any of this, in any forum, on any level. I am not going to kiss the *** of a company that is so far removed from caring that they are willing to pull this ********. They're dead WRONG in doing what they have AND continue to do. The only thing that is remotely shocking are the people who continue to grind their noses up the *** of DJI and make excuses for them. It seems the "oh well" attitude of tech support and the "they'll fix it all eventually" attitude of the *** kissers and DJI-files that believe the beloved company puts out a great product and can do no wrong is a perfect match. In fact, perhaps they ARE the same people because only someone who's working for the corporation could possibly adopt such a drink the Kool-aid attitude. Have another glass guys! I'm just going to sit back and wait for DJI to answer my emails.

I provide support and testing for DJI.. When people post like this, there is no helping them. You give them valid answers and they still don't want to listen, because it's not what they want to hear. You can voice your concerns the right or wrong way.

If you were on the DJI forums you would recognize my handle.
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Agreed, I have tried everything, and the dealer I bought the inspire from has tried everything!

Here is a gem from the dji forum for all of you that think this company gives a ****.

"Last edited by Renaat In 2015-1-30 11:11 Editor

HELLO disencouraged customers,

we are a Belgian/Chinese couple living in China and ordered january 29th 2015 inspire-1 with spare battery. Untill today our order is not booked as paid, knowing that money transfer in China takes maximum as 1 hour (bravo China). Their answer about it: IT problem.......
My Chinese wife took sales in confidence on the phone: here is result:
DJI has NO stock at all ! All is going to production "AFTER" payment (if their is money to pay the production factory). For China only 2 units will be available next week. There are 4 orders. The system blocks when order is not possible. So we have to wait until the other 4 passed by the system and then we will be listed as paid. As being an experienced buyer in China "never" believe what a chinese says as a lie is not disgraceful in China, it is "normal", because Chinese have no balls to tell you the truth. Aware that they must have millions of dollars on their account and no one unit in stock makes me very worry. Looking to the videos where Mr. Ceo Cheng lives in 5 star hotels around the world to make video-publicity ... to get more hungry DJI-lovers making payments on his account without any unit in stock, neither to be able to answer to the hunderds of disappointed honest customers.
That is China !
This experience we already had several times ! Never the truth ! In China NO respect for customer, only respect for bankaccount to get financed.

Feel free to ask advice.
Here already one:
Buy through the most important sales platform taobao/tmall. Why: DJI mentions to have stock, once put order (and paid), DJI MUST deliver within 2 days otherwise they will be severely punished by Tmall and loose all credits and Chinese market !"

Like I said keep up the outstanding work..

Hint, Try to act like an adult and not use profanity in a post.. Then just maybe you will get a valid respone:rolleyes:
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My apologies for my vulgarity! In my defense I am so angry I could spit nails. I bought the inspire for a very very specific job. In a firmware update dji made it impossible to launch from a boat. I chose the inspire because of its forward speed. Nothing else can keep up with what I'm filming. At least nothing that I know of. So to address the living beyond my means comment, yes I took a huge risk. It was for a massive financial opportunity that would be amazing for my family. Sometimes you have to take risks. I thought that I would be entitled to the basic consumer rights that living here in the US provides. I say we get organized somehow and someway to send a very clear message that this is not okay. Any ideas cause I'm ready to go.
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You can pan and tilt from the app second controller not needed. You obviously didint read my go pro comment. So in fact yes go pro promised live streaming with a iphine or android and then pulled it. And we get live view with a major un usable delay. Through the app. To your crashing issues weren't those already adresed with the Imu update ? If your a professional and doesn't suit you. Then so be it yes lack of batteries suck but then again there are places that have them. Understandably your frustrated with the issues this presents to you. So you can sell it or keep it and wait. But I'm really curious where are all these major safety issues ? That the inspire presents that others don't. ?
"oh well" batteries are hard to get. Yes. A big "oh well" I thought ahead I ORDERED extra batteries already on 12 NOV KNOWING I would need more. They didn't come with the Inspire. Not like it was an afterthought and I thought, "oh ****, I'm going to need more batteries". For anyone who wants to fly more than a few minutes, say stay on a site for several hours where charging isn't an option it IS a big issue. "Places" do NOT have "them" , the batteries as I have spent endless MORE time trying to find a place that can promise me earlier than three to four weeks in the future aside from the fact I shouldn't HAVE to search for them, I ordered them already. What head up their *** company makes people pay in advance for a product and then fails to deliver? DJI, that's who. Oh, then they shouldn't have promised something(s) they couldn't, and haven't delivered.
For the "safety issues", yes, I consider irregularity a safety issue. If there is a chance that something can go awry and 1)cause bodily harm 2) property damage 3) get lost 4) cause filming issues it is an issue. I have lost drones. I have had drones crash. When talking about a thousand dollar phantom, losing a thousand dollar anything is bad enough and I am not ready to lose a $3-4000 investment because of an error in software. I'm also not ready to have a drone double the weight of a Phantom drop on top of or fly into a person because a prop fell off. One of the few issues "the company" has acknowledged thus far. There are plenty of "issues" in the Inspire whether you're willing to acknowledge them or not.
Like I said keep up the outstanding work..

Hint, Try to act like an adult and not curse in a post.. Then just maybe you will get a valid respone:rolleyes:
Read this carefully blade strike. I tried for three weeks now. Three weeks of polite letters to DJI. Hours of civilized tech support conversations and I have nothing to show for it. Blade strike why don't you get in touch with dji for us. Maybe with your adult wisdom you can provide us with a way to return these defective inspires? Please help us. Maybe using emoticons in my next email to dji would help?
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