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Deleting individual flights

Mar 5, 2015
Reaction score
West Richland , WA USA
Hello, first time poster ....... But have been reading posts daily for 3 weeks now. Happy with my Inspire, given the few acknowledged issues which I have learned to work with ....... Patiently waiting for the next firmware.
My question is this ............. I have 50 flights in 27 days. All the flights appear and I can view and reproduce the flights. (So cool I might add). I use my IPhone 5s for my monitor. I'm suspect that all this recording is really eating up the memory in my I phone. Is there a way to selectively delete some of the flights individually rather than deleting the entire cache. Also ........ If you do nothing ..... When does the flight recorder start loosing the first recorded flights to allow for space to record newest flight?
Thanks a lot. Dennis
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. All recordings are recorded onto the aircrafts SD card unless you've been manually downloading them to your phone?
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Wow ...... Thanks for the quick reply PetePerrim. Yes that works. So I gather by your statement that the recorded flights shouldn't use up much memory.......... Then I am wrong in assuming that say a 10 min flight recorded, is different than a 10 min video recording as far as using up memory in the IPhones memory ?
Thanks again. Dennis
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. All recordings are recorded onto the aircrafts SD card unless you've been manually downloading them to your phone?
Hello sirnikolas.
I'm confused as well. If I elect to save a still photo or video from a flight ..... I realize I must save them to my IPhone while the Inspire is still linked to the transmitter. (Thus transferring the photo or video from the inspire cameras SD card to my IPhone) What I am referring to is the flight recorder function that automatically records all the flight data and route taken to the "User Center " portion of the app that allows you to view all of your prior flights. My concern and question was does this recording function use up a lot of memory space on the IPhone.
Thanks. Dennis
Wow ...... Thanks for the quick reply PetePerrim. Yes that works. So I gather by your statement that the recorded flights shouldn't use up much memory.......... Then I am wrong in assuming that say a 10 min flight recorded, is different than a 10 min video recording as far as using up memory in the IPhones memory ?
Thanks again. Dennis

That's right, the video footage is recorded onto your SD card in the camera. The IPhone just records the telemetry so you can play back your flight route, not the actual footage (although you can do that as well but let's not muddy the waters right now)
A typical flight log file on the phone only takes a MB or 2.
Both the video and the (much bigger) detailed logs are stored on the aircraft itself.
A typical flight log file on the phone only takes a MB or 2.
Both the video and the (much bigger) detailed logs are stored on the aircraft itself.
Thanks to all you gentlemen. I now have a clear understanding of the difference between storing recorded video, and logging telemetry on my I phone. This forum is certainly a great educating tool.
Cheers. Dennis
Just thought I'd give this one a bump since this has all changed now with the introduction of "Director".
The DJI Pilot App now automatically records all the footage from your flight. The quality isn't as good as what's recorded to the Micro SD Card but it's pretty good.
By default it will auto cleanup the cache when it hits low storage or 2GB and there is an option to manually delete that footage if space is tight.
I can imagine that this will come in very handy if anyone were to lose their Inspire / Phantom to water or the mythical flyaway then they would still have footage from the camera and could easily overlay the flight data showing what happened even if the craft is no longer in possession.
At least we don't have to mess around with Shou anymore.

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