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Detailed Inspire spec - for registration

Jan 29, 2015
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I posted this on a couple of the FB groups - it may be useful here. Apologies if it's already been addressed.

In the UK, anyone going for UK CAA accreditation needs to submit a detailed spec of their UAS. The published Inspire spec online and in the manual doesn't provide the required detailed; I approached DJI support - no response.
The file here is a copy of the required specs. It's maybe 80% complete - I'd welcome any additions/comments on the accuracy - and hope it helps anyone else.

[by the way - I would have posted this in Word but the upload wouldn't allow - that's why it's PDF]


Hi Andy there's others including myself looking for the full spec list, appreciate what you have completed already , would really appreciate it ,if you find the answers to the missing data to let me know, likewise if I find out will let you know.
Max take off is 2935g
I read the motor size is 495w
639 KV

Last 2 are 2nd hand information, my amended operation manual went in last night so I will let you know
Max take off is 2935g
I read the motor size is 495w
639 KV

Last 2 are 2nd hand information, my amended operation manual went in last night so I will let you know
Thanks - I think this MTOM may not be right - the TB48 battery is an extra 100g? Either way, it would be really nice if DJI responded in a professional way and supplied the information.
there is quite a bit of info that's not required. When my first review came back for the phantom they were only concerned with certain information
All this information is only needed if you are submitting your own airframe for approval (self build or bespoke).
The likes of Phantoms/Inspires will be known already and should not require chapter and verse.
Hello, can
Max take off is 2935g
I read the motor size is 495w
639 KV

Last 2 are 2nd hand information, my amended operation manual went in last night so I will let you know

Hello, can you please let me know what the spec you put down for the inspire when filling out your op's manual. cheers in advance
I am glad other people are having the same problems with finding out all the tec spec. can any one tell me what the the airframe type, make, model would be.

If anyone else has any more of the details it would be a great help for this section of the op's manual it would be a great help and much appreciated.

I am glad other people are having the same problems with finding out all the tec spec. can any one tell me what the the airframe type, make, model would be.

If anyone else has any more of the details it would be a great help for this section of the op's manual it would be a great help and much appreciated.


Airframe type should be a quadcopter..
Make: DJI
Model: Inspire 1

Here is a thread I did a while ago..
It's the actual motor size I'm having difficulty with. X4 electric...Size??? Just cannot find an accurate answer anywhere in any manual or on the web at the moment.

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