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DJI - Inspire 1 - In Search of Parts

i have a full brand new Inspire 1 that i would like to part out this way:

1. Full frame kit without battery, charger, camera or controller
2. Controller
3. Batteries, i have 47 and 48 available with a charger
4. Camera
i have a full brand new Inspire 1 that i would like to part out this way:

1. Full frame kit without battery, charger, camera or controller
2. Controller
3. Batteries, i have 47 and 48 available with a charger
4. Camera
...Hunch, this is exactly what i'm looking for right now.. your Option #01 'Full Frame Kit w/o Batt/Chg'r, Cam or Ctrl'r,
I would like to converse with you, please use [email protected], Thanks...
i have a full brand new Inspire 1 that i would like to part out this way:

1. Full frame kit without battery, charger, camera or controller
2. Controller
3. Batteries, i have 47 and 48 available with a charger
4. Camera
Hi. Do you still have the frame for sale?
do you still need parts?
...Zach, Yes, always looking for spare parts.. got Burned with the Last Guy i dealt with here (Hunch, Hanie Lanzi, UAVrepairShop(dot)com, guys a Galactic Moron and an Oxygen Thief, ..Caveat Emptor..!).. If you'd like to email me via vadata(@)yahoo(dot)com, please include images and your asking price(s), Thanks...
I sent my Inspire to DJI in Germany. It's been there two weeks and they haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I now wish I had tried to repair it myself. :-(
I sent my Inspire to DJI in Germany. It's been there two weeks and they haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I now wish I had tried to repair it myself. :-(
...Simon, would you mind sharing what the issue with your Inspire was/is..? also IF that repair shop ever fixes it please share those details too, thanks in advance...

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