DJI Photo Academy

Mar 22, 2017
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I am still a novice when it comes to photography but I am always trying to learn more, mostly through YouTube. There is a DJI Photo Academy coming next week near me and I was wondering if anybody has had any experiences (good or bad) with this one day class? I appreciate any feedback as I am still on the fence if I want to commit $175.00 to it. Thank you very much!!

1. Send me the $175.00 (cash, check, bitcoin is ok too)
2. As a professional this payment is for " a Counseling Advisor"
3. Keep watching the "worlds biggest library of information"
4. Practise, Practise, Practise,
5. If your still in question, start over, please see number one again
Wow. Everyone was a tad harsh. My advice Bret is to pick up one of the many great books on aerial photography. It will cost you a fraction of the class. That said if you are truly inspired by hanging out with others that share your passion it could be fun...
Reactions: Bret
Some see harshness, some see humor! Myself and slim.slamma were being honest, upfront and not so "politically correct" to help someone put money to better use than giving to it to a so called "Photo Academy" Those kind of people have your back.... in a fun way! Our "advice" put $175.00 right back into Bret's pocket, and his due diligence finding FREE information was up to him. Training is FREE to everyone, no need to pay for squat! If you an others want to pay for books, CDs, DVD, or hologram-course-ware (I just made that up) please do!

I have a book out that's called "Slap Yourself Silly" it's about spending nonsense for men! ..... we know who you are
Reactions: slim.slamma
AGREED! And, I hate politically correct. My mistake. I have learned over the years that many of my well-intension attempts at humor failed over texts and emails as 93% of all communication is Non-Verbal (55% body language and 38% cadence and tone-of-voice) neither of which can be communicated in these forums. That said I for one appreciate the clarification and could not agree with you more on wasting money on academics over experience! I do however stand by the fact that hanging and geeking-out with others in person can be fun and inspiring. Now let's stop this silliness and send me an autographed copy of that book while my kid still has a college fund!
Reactions: slim.slamma

Plethora of info on the forum, keep that 175.00 in your pocket! Fuel going up this summer.
Closed mouths don’t get fed. The community has been very helpful to me.
Take advantage @Bret
Reactions: The Editor