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DJI Sun screen

Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Essex. UK
Hi all,

Just received my new DJI sun screen, looks great & what I like about it, it folds flat so I can get it in my case.

Has anyone else got one, are they any good? Any feed back would be much appreciated;)

Can't use mine at the mo cos the weathers crap here in the UK:(
Hi all,

Just received my new DJI sun screen, looks great & what I like about it, it folds flat so I can get it in my case.

Has anyone else got one, are they any good? Any feed back would be much appreciated;)

Can't use mine at the mo cos the weathers crap here in the UK:(
I hope that this crap wheather will improve,going to the UK in a few weeks time.
I hope that I didn't bought my screen for nothing;).I'm using a Hood vision which I believe is better.Anyway it is a good investment for flying your Inspire
take it to St.Marteen :)
Gonna be taken my PV2 to St Maarten, not chancing taking my I1;) I just don't know how I'll get on with the inspire, rather have the phantom confiscated than my I1;) just don't know how I'll get on at the airports & trying to take it on as hand luggage.

Don't wonna loose my my PV ever:eek:
I hope that this crap wheather will improve,going to the UK in a few weeks time.
I hope that I didn't bought my screen for nothing;).I'm using a Hood vision which I believe is better.Anyway it is a good investment for flying your Inspire

I'm sure the weather will improve.... Over the last couple of days we've had rain & gusty winds:(

Well my DJI sun screen has got to be better than nothing, all I see in my iPad screen is my ugly face:D
I'm sure the weather will improve.... Over the last couple of days we've had rain & gusty winds:(

Well my DJI sun screen has got to be better than nothing, all I see in my iPad screen is my ugly face:D
Know this problem.On some days I've seen my own ugly face more then my wife
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I was quite suprised when I installed the screen how much heavier it made the controller, got to wear the harness how;) tried it indoors & it's not bad.
I was quite suprised when I installed the screen how much heavier it made the controller, got to wear the harness how;) tried it indoors & it's not bad.

Embarrassed to wear the harness outdoors?

Also have the sun-shields here but not yet tested in the sun!
Embarrassed to wear the harness outdoors?

Also have the sun-shields here but not yet tested in the sun!

Tested it today but It was cloudy:(done the job though;) it's gota be better than nothing at all;)

Last time I took my inspire out I started getting arm ache so with the sun screen attached, gonna be worse. I don't mind wearing it, it also give the wife something to hold onto when she's had enough of me flying.....:) She already bought a dog lead to attach to the harness so she can just sit in the car, hope she don't drive off with me still attached........:D
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Since I have my Hood-vision I never fly without it.Gives so much better view!
Just found the website, I think...


What one have you got?
I have the one with the nano sticks and it's for 8"inch.Don't like the magnetic around my TX.I did send it over to Europe and recieved it in a week.Great service!It's the PadHat Hybride.What I reallly like is the angle of it.No glare of sun on my screen.Another tip I can give is wear dark clothes when you're out.This also helps a lot
Has to be better than this:

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