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Dec 12, 2013
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...your friends, family members, and/or or significant others to fly your Phantom (2) (Vision [+]) or Inspire 1?

Or is the Tx for your hands only?
No kids, but if there's a big, open area and they keep it nearby, then sure! But since I got my second remote I just give them that…
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Hell no! I let someone fly my P2 once. He had been flying for a long time and he owned a P1. Within 5 minutes he crashed it. Never again. They can look but can't touch.
...your friends, family members, and/or or significant others to fly your Phantom (2) (Vision [+]) or Inspire 1?

Or is the Tx for your hands only?
Newbie here--have to ask because I've seen it enough--what does TX mean?
For my hands only at this point. But I did send a suggestion in to DJI to implement a "trainer mode" so that the second TX can be used to fly the craft so I can then get the guys to try safely while still being able to regain control at anytime, like with any other RC model.

For now I sometimes give them camera control but they usually have no idea of what they're doing, so I get bored flying a thing with a camera that looks all over the place and end up taking control back and just showing them nice lines and shots I do myself. Usually impresses them more too, and my 5-axis coordination with the gimbal tilt wheel gets better each time.
Check this out pretty kool ideas in etsy for DJI INSPIRE 1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/222562637/dji-inspire-1-stickers

Can you make something out of this ??Screenshot_2015-02-08-03-53-24.png

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I let people fly my Inspire all the time. But that is also part of my job to promote the product. I am close enough that I can take the Tx if necessary and I give them a brief ground school as well.
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Yes, I gave to a mate and he flew around a bit in GPS mode, he got the hang of it quickly and it was fun watching at the same as being nervous, like being a passenger while my girlfriend's driving. :D

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