Drone seized in “CONGESTED AREA”

Nov 20, 2018
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Enjoy lads, this is our Matrice 200 with a Z30 getting jacked by an idiot policeman in Essex for flying in a Congested Area. These are the people entrusted to see that CAA Regulation is followed. Was a recreational flight, permission from the farmer and we had rung Essex police to get a Control Number before flight!
And what exactly are we looking at?
Reactions: Wallyayay
Can’t post the Go Pro footage, any suggestions what lm doing wrong?
Even though it was non-commercial flight Do you have a pilots license and insurance? I am just going through my PFCO and wondering as there are sections about the data protection act. did they take it off you because that? I'd like to know what reasons they are using. Thanks
I sure hope that is not the case. If it is true Wallyayay should definitely find another forum.
So we are being conned? This is codswallop?

Ping let me start by putting you right, firstly you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers but if you do then it’s already too late for you. “Selling a story to the newspapers” you really are gone too far if you believe that.

“Constantly brags” you obviously don’t know me!

You call me an idiot, very unwise to do as lm not a regular to forums but I’m not a fan of people who hide behind the keyboard and people always trip up or knows someone who knows someone which lets their true identity slip!

“Sell’s pictures to PRO GAMBLERS”, that would be good business when l run a team of Pro Gamblers and have been one for years, great idea to sell your unique product.

“Our Industry” it’s far from yours son, as for experience with UAV’s lm pretty sure lm ok without your help.

As for everyone interested in what actually happened that day and what will come off it in regards to what l believe to be a hugely incompetent act by Essex Police it has much bigger implications for Pings Industry than what people think. Watch the videos on my Twitter feed @MickMcCool and see what you think of this Police Officer from UAV Special Ops Essex Police. They are officially the the Number 3 NQE in the Country and this was one of their instructors. The release of CAP 1763 and the new Police powers as a direct result of Gatwick are being grossly misinterpreted, whether this is the responsibility of the Department of Transport, the CAA l don’t know but the bigger problem is they don’t know and there must be clarification as to the Government ““Taking Flight” Drones in the UK” text and how the Police enforce it.

Ping you don’t know me so don’t be calling me names and making false accusations unless you can back them up.

Cannot see the video on your twitter????