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First owner video

I'm still a rookie at the Phantom 2 and videos but can someone tell me why this Inspire video is so much better then say a Phantom 2 with a GoPro 3+ Black edition?

I'm not putting the video down but I am just curious as I am considering getting an Inspire 1.

Apparently the sensor is similar to the GoPro4 and with the negligible lens distortion it fully utilises the available pixels rather than cropping some of the edges out when correcting later,.
The main advantages are probably the fully integrated gimbal, FPV via Lightbridge (up to 2km) and ability to change practically any camera function during flight, which you simply can't do at all with a gopro based system.
Thanks for the video.
Would be great if you could do the following experiments and post your footage:
1. full camera tilt while hovering.
2. full camera tilt while moving forward
3. full camera tilt while moving sideways

Also, please do a few tilts at various angular speeds so we can see if it has an impact on camera shake.
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Stunning video, just makes me so excited to get my own. Video off of the p2v+ was good, but that rectilinear lens is so much better. Is there more information from Tahoe_Ed about the video?
Great video, thx for sharing, while the picture quality might be as good as a GoPro 4 black, the advantages you stated above are the reasons I'm buying one, thx again.

One question; at the end you did rotate the camera or craft? Can you rotate the camera 360 degrees with a single RC?
thx again, hope to see more videos, cheers Mark
It's worth noting that Tahoe Ed's footage here is from a pre-production unit. Probably pretty representative of what we'll see, but it's been mentioned already that the vibration isolation balls on the final units will be different, as well as a few other things.

Ok sorry I think I found the answer, the camera rotates 330 degrees whether CW or CCW, it overlaps.
Cheers Mark

Yep, from center, it can turn 320-330 degrees cw, and 320-330 degrees ccw. So a surprisingly wide range given that it's not using sliprings.
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If it is a pre-production unit, and Ed has some sort of affiliation with DJI, then I believe that calling this thread "First owner video" is misleading...
Hopefully, Ed will clarify.
Last edited:
If it is a pre-production unit, and Ed has some sort of affiliation with DJI, then I believe that calling this thread "First owner video" is misleading...
Hopefully, Ed will clarify.

Ed works for DJI. He's open about this and has noted that he has a preproduction unit. He's not the one who posted the video or names the thread title :)

I'm very impressed at the stability shown here though, really looking forward to the final release version.
It looks great....... Can some one please speed the time--i can't wait anymore ........... Where is my Inspire?????
Ed works for DJI. He's open about this and has noted that he has a preproduction unit. He's not the one who posted the video or names the thread title :)

I'm very impressed at the stability shown here though, really looking forward to the final release version.

Thanks for clarifying.
The inspire may be a breakthrough device. It would be a pity to mar its real abilities with hype. On the other hand we need objective reviews.
In this day and age when companies employ media teams to post comments on forums as users, it becomes more difficult to get the real story.

We come to this group because we are looking for objective reviews, help and opinions. A thread named owner video does not help.

I am the one who discovered the vertical tilt shake in the DJI videos. No one has addressed this issue yet, nor even acknowledged it. I assume Ed being a DJI employee will not subject the inspire to the experiment I requested, if this is still a problem...

We will have to wait for a real owner to review this....

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I always though that I was the 1st one who discovered the shake in the leaked video :-)
I posted it on phantompilots, but that thread is now gone...
Unless I am mistaken Noel, we are not talking about the same shake.
The shake I discovered is induced as a result of tilting the camera, not as a result of changing the arms configuration.

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I'm still a rookie at the Phantom 2 and videos but can someone tell me why this Inspire video is so much better then say a Phantom 2 with a GoPro 3+ Black edition?

I'm not putting the video down but I am just curious as I am considering getting an Inspire 1.

Short answer, Lightbridge and size (stability and power). Long answer, perhaps you should peruse the forum and specs.

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