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FPV camera tilt not working

Mar 10, 2017
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I've had the I2 for a little over two weeks now and have to say that I love it. Except for one problem. The fpv camera tilt has never worked. I've tried just about everything... reinstalling firmware, software, restoring firmware to factory conditions via assistant 2... its just never worked. Doesn't matter whether the function is assigned to C1 or C2, or whether I try to tilt it manually. It just won't move. Is anyone else experiencing this, or am I the lucky guy to get the lemon.? I did see a post on here where someone had a similar issue but it resolved itself mysteriously.
Only thing I can think that may have contributed was that the first night I had it I set up and activated it via a Samsung tablet. Didn't fly it, just futzed around with the UI and familiarized myself with everything. When I read about some folks having compatibility issues with Samsung, I opted for my iPad Pro instead - which is the only tab I've ever flown it with. Maybe the initial setup resulted in a dead fpv cam due to some funky Samsung related quirk that I can't now seem to over-write? Or maybe the camera was DOA... well at least the tilt motor? I do actually see the camera focusing when I press the corresponding C button, so it seems as though it's getting some type of input. Just no movement.
Chatted with DJI about it but all they could do was recommend that I send it in for repair. Half tempted to see if the next firmware upgrade fixes the issue. Not opposed to sending it in, just bummed and a bit disappointed that a $6k product might be defective right out of the box.
Guess one other thing worth noting is that the factory restore via assistant 2 doesn't seem to actually restore factory settings. It says it does, but when reconnecting to the go4 app, the prompt states that the firmware is up to date and current. Would have thought that it would force an update. Anyway, thats all I've got. Any help at all would be appreciated!

I've had the I2 for a little over two weeks now and have to say that I love it. Except for one problem. The fpv camera tilt has never worked. I've tried just about everything... reinstalling firmware, software, restoring firmware to factory conditions via assistant 2... its just never worked. Doesn't matter whether the function is assigned to C1 or C2, or whether I try to tilt it manually. It just won't move. Is anyone else experiencing this, or am I the lucky guy to get the lemon.? I did see a post on here where someone had a similar issue but it resolved itself mysteriously.
Only thing I can think that may have contributed was that the first night I had it I set up and activated it via a Samsung tablet. Didn't fly it, just futzed around with the UI and familiarized myself with everything. When I read about some folks having compatibility issues with Samsung, I opted for my iPad Pro instead - which is the only tab I've ever flown it with. Maybe the initial setup resulted in a dead fpv cam due to some funky Samsung related quirk that I can't now seem to over-write? Or maybe the camera was DOA... well at least the tilt motor? I do actually see the camera focusing when I press the corresponding C button, so it seems as though it's getting some type of input. Just no movement.
Chatted with DJI about it but all they could do was recommend that I send it in for repair. Half tempted to see if the next firmware upgrade fixes the issue. Not opposed to sending it in, just bummed and a bit disappointed that a $6k product might be defective right out of the box.
Guess one other thing worth noting is that the factory restore via assistant 2 doesn't seem to actually restore factory settings. It says it does, but when reconnecting to the go4 app, the prompt states that the firmware is up to date and current. Would have thought that it would force an update. Anyway, thats all I've got. Any help at all would be appreciated!

Have you used the search function?
There appears to already be a thread running (with a resolution albeit temporary) posted.
FPV Gimbal problem
I've had the I2 for about 6 weeks. After the early March firmware update, I've had problems with the FPV camera. At times it does not move, and at others, it seems to jerk from side to side and up and down.

Found a simple fix. After the I2 starts up and settles, I gently rotate the FPV camera down and then it levels out and stabilizes. Once this occurs, I can control it with the assignable C1 or C2 button. It now works every tine, if I take this simple step.

DJI wanted it back. I did not wish to lose the drone for an extended period and felt that if this occurred after a firmware update, it could potentially be corrected in the future with another update.

Hope this helps.
know how you feel about having to send it back. In the same boat and have a hunch ( ok, a hope) it's firmware related, even though i was never able to actually see it function properly.

when you mention rotating the camera down slightly you're referring to the combo, C button + wheel function, which from what I understand, rotates the tumble down slowly, correct? Unfortunately can't even get that to work on my bird.
Actually I have C1 programmed to do a 45 degree FPV tilt. It's a programmable option.

I cannot ascertain with certainty that this is a firmware issue. However it immediately began after a firmware upgrade. Additionally, and in the forum, people are reporting similar issues with the X4S. When apparently stuck, they rotate the gimbal slightly and it begins to work. Let me know if this works for you.
One more thought, when I refer to rotating the camera down slightly, I mean that I gently push the FPV camera down with my hand, then it can be controlled.

How much resistant do you have in your fpv gamble? Mine is only slightly 'stiffer' than the roll resistance. It does snap back to level when you manually tilt it downward. However, It certainly doesn't feel like I'm forcing it to tilt.
no luck. it doesnt respond at all. plan now is to refresh the firmware via the original samsung tablet i activated with. Will then do a factory reset... again... and try to refresh with the ipad pro again. After that, i think i will just roll with it until the next firmware update and see if that fixes it. if not, i'll send it back.

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