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Apr 2, 2015
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Hey Chaps..

does anybody tried or experimenting with an antenna modification? i mean an extension for a groundstation stand or anything else to improve the video downlink? mine is very weak and unstable... thats annoying. some day it work fine and someday i cannot do my work properly. especially when the clients are curious looking over my shoulder smile emoticon the RC connection is always good... only the fpv stream is fucking up.. (yes, antennas are in correct position:-))

i am thinking about building a groundstation with a extended antenna system. for both, fpv and rc signal anyway. any experienced modders here?
Try Tony Fpvir in Florida. Makes the best antennas period! 561-843-2344
He also has a site but I can't find the link. Three levels of Antennas and the price goes up for each level up to level three. Cheap no, good yes!!
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Daniel, I think this is the site you are referring to. http://fpvlr.com/shop/index.php?route=common/home
I also am interesting in antenna modifications for longer range. I plan to video snowboarders, wakeboard events and vehicles is large fields and haveing the extended range would make for some added safety. I see that currently fpvlr only has kits for phantoms, can these fit or be modified to work with the inspire controller and the built in lightbridge?
Daniel, I think this is the site you are referring to. http://fpvlr.com/shop/index.php?route=common/home
I also am interesting in antenna modifications for longer range. I plan to video snowboarders, wakeboard events and vehicles is large fields and haveing the extended range would make for some added safety. I see that currently fpvlr only has kits for phantoms, can these fit or be modified to work with the inspire controller and the built in lightbridge?

FPVLR does make kits for the Inspire. Do a quick search and there is a large thread about it.
I guess we have different ideas of kits, sorry for the confusion amkorp. I consider a kit something us as users can install. Currently we have to send the radio/s in to get these antennas installed. Seems to be a great option though.

Found the thread:

Yup, that's unfortunately the case right now. Can't be modified by the end user. Has to be sent in. However, this eliminates the factor of inexperienced users damaging their $600+ transmitter. But I do agree it is slightly inconvenient for those who have the capability to install it themselves.
Quick question. How far is far enough? Besides the whole LOS discussion, how do you guys that fly miles beyond LOS practice collision avoidance with objects/aircraft that are out of the field of vision of the camera. As a pilot I that routinely operates rotorcraft at or below 500 feet to stay out of some NAS airport traffic patterns my question is, if you are miles from line of sight and i am coming up your six at 140 knots, how do you know to get out of my way?
Captain Badge, Well maybe I can give you my input.... I am a commercial pilot and I also like to fly drones. It's a big sky partner, even though we would like to have nothing else in the sky but other planes, who are we to question other peoples exploration in the sky's whether it in a balloon, exp. aircraft, long range fpv drone ect.... Have you heard about bird strikes? Are we supposed to get rid of the birds too? You sound like you want to own the sky's just because you fly within distance of a drone, your sense of thinking is one reason why the FAA is trying to choke out fpv and the responsible people that are have that right taken away. Just because you don't understand other peoples ambitions you should not question other peoples exploration of technology. Perhaps sir, you might consider the forum your on.
Captain Badge, Well maybe I can give you my input.... I am a commercial pilot and I also like to fly drones. It's a big sky partner, even though we would like to have nothing else in the sky but other planes, who are we to question other peoples exploration in the sky's whether it in a balloon, exp. aircraft, long range fpv drone ect.... Have you heard about bird strikes? Are we supposed to get rid of the birds too? You sound like you want to own the sky's just because you fly within distance of a drone, your sense of thinking is one reason why the FAA is trying to choke out fpv and the responsible people that are have that right taken away. Just because you don't understand other peoples ambitions you should not question other peoples exploration of technology. Perhaps sir, you might consider the forum your on.
I have had the pleasure of encountering birds and yes while bird strike do happen 'professional pilots' have situational awareness. I avoid birds, birds avoid me, we coexist. I completely understand the forum, and welcome to it BTW.

You failed to answer the question and as you are a 'commercial pilot' I will put it in terms you should understand:

Beyond LOS how do you maintain situational awareness of your aircraft and airspace sir?
Who are You to question people flying out of LOS? Better yet, I will make it simple for you since you fly at or around 500' or less and i fly around 33,000 plus feet...... Let's say you are flying around drone pilots that are Not flying long range and Are flying by line of site.. How would the drone pilot anticipate your evasive procedure and expect your maneuver to avoid? Do you really think you would see it? Simple question.Please answer..Don't think your going to have very many fpv friends here sir....
To add sir, I have met many commercial pilots from around the world. You are the first pilot I have ever heard to say, "birds avoid you" lol....
.... Just sayin'
Captain Badge, Out of all respect, you say you co-exist with birds, well now you need to also co-exist with drones as do I....
To add sir, I have met many commercial pilots from around the world. You are the first pilot I have ever heard to say, "birds avoid you" lol....
.... Just sayin'
I'll bite just because. If you have never seen a bunch of turkey buzzards get out of your way then the windows you are looking through when you are flying are oval and have a shade.

You still have not answered my simple question and I further lay down the gauntlet for you and want to see if you can answer it in some big boy pilot jargon...

When I am flying I use, ATC, TCAS, my eyes and ears, so on and so on. When you are flying your drone beyond LOS, what are you using. Its a simple question? My original question was not meant to be argumentative, simply to ask how the risk of flying with a field of vision limited to the display is mitigated? How do you do it safely with respect to manned aircraft and or danger to persons on the ground?
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CaptainBadge, Your Trolling comment is rather childish and doesn't even deserve a response, however I will elaborate for you..... So, let's try to figure this difficult and rather complex question out for you.... "your asking a question of what a fpv pilot can see or do to avoid a collision flying out of LOS. WOW? Well we both know what a fpv pilot can see depending on his field of view through his aircraft, don't we?....... Answer: Nothing if you are not in his visual sight from the aircraft point of view..... should he have radar? Have you heard of flying by VOR, autopilot perhaps or even better yet, do you have radar while flying IFR? How do you avoid birds or drones in airspace flying IFR? I guess I need to expose your position to the FPV pilots.......Are you against people flying out of LOS, autonomous flight and/or FPV?

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