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Hand catching technique video

I'm not sure if i understand the need to hand catch a uav? If someone can explain it to me it would be appreciated. I just figure it has a landing gear... Land on that haha. =)
I should point out that I understand if the landing gear is locked in the up position this would be helpful, but are there other reasons? I notice people hand catch phantoms, and they don't have transforming landing gears.
I'm not sure if i understand the need to hand catch a uav? If someone can explain it to me it would be appreciated. I just figure it has a landing gear... Land on that haha. =)
a lot of people launch from gnarly terrain, steep hillsides, landing on a boat, and many other reasons. besides just being ready for any situation is always good, no? but practice at your own risk, you dont want to trigger the lg down.
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You don't really "catch" it. You hover it at 6 ft, then walk under it and grab hold of it and kill the motors. There are a few reasons this might be required. The terrain might be too rough land on, or too dirty/dusty. The easiest way to ruin your equipment is to FOD (foreign object damage) it out with dust and sand. The best way is to T/O and land on a small tarp that is weighted down (so it doesn't get sucked up into the rotors). No tarp, or T/O and landing on a steep slope? Then this is your best method. Be careful. This is for experienced pilots only. The landing/grab is easy. T/O is a bit more technical. Again, it's best to launch/land on a tarp. The next best thing is to launch/land from a better spot, then fly to your target. Last resort is to do it by hand. "Last resort" means exactly that: you need the shot (i.e. professional use). Get some expert coaching, gloves and eye/face shield if you're going to need to launch that way.

^+1. i use some recycled rubber mats like the ones that go under qym equipment but heavier to hold down the dust and long grass.
hmmmm, the only times I have ever had to catch a multirotor have been when the GPS signal went bad, or the mag got interference, i personally wouldnt bother catching the inspire, the props are too close to the booms for my hands to get in without getting cut.

the only possible reason would be if th gear got stuck up and the cuad was perfectly under control, otherwise id do my best at landing it and take the damage
hmmmm, the only times I have ever had to catch a multirotor have been when the GPS signal went bad, or the mag got interference, i personally wouldnt bother catching the inspire, the props are too close to the booms for my hands to get in without getting cut.

the only possible reason would be if th gear got stuck up and the cuad was perfectly under control, otherwise id do my best at landing it and take the damage

That's why it's the last choice. But it's still a tool in your toolbox in case you need it someday. One can never have too many tools :)

There are times when I have had to catch, I try not to be in a situation where it's necessary but when it is, that was a perfect demonstration. I launch from my 23' boat, and in rough water I have no choice. The best thing is....I still have all my fingers.
I have practiced this technique a bit, and made the rookie mistake of letting my hand cross the sensors and the gear lowered. As a result my index finger came off very much second best.

My advice is have the ground proximity activation of gear switched off. The blades come in closer to the frame when lowered. Better to kill the throttle with gear raised and a firm grip, then lower the gear.

Useful for a variety of landing requirements.

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