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Inspire 1 .. dji has a major issue

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Really? GPS loss can it be? NO. Some of the Wads on the other site swear it must be operator error. NEVER DJI error because we are all too stupid and don't/can't read or understand the manual or the mode!! Idiots. Of course there are flyaways that can't be explained. It happens all too frequently. Oh well. Maybe the Inspire will fix that? Not
Well i don't think the perfect machine is out there. Even cars and planes crashes, but I think if you fly responsibly and check you quad every time before take off. The chance of crash is at the minimum. I Have had four phantoms, 1- vision plus. yes I have crashed many times in the begining and thought it was the phantoms fault, but when you learn how these things work, It`s usely the pilots fault.
Really? GPS loss can it be? NO. Some of the Wads on the other site swear it must be operator error. NEVER DJI error because we are all too stupid and don't/can't read or understand the manual or the mode!! Idiots. Of course there are flyaways that can't be explained. It happens all too frequently. Oh well. Maybe the Inspire will fix that? Not
I personally don't agree with what you just said and I really don't care for being called a (wad) :mad: I do know they will just go off on their own but yes they are mostly caused by user error JIMO :p
Speaking for myself I can say that every crash, major and minor that I have had has been attributed to something I did or didn't do that set in motion a chain of events that caused my drone to be compromised. Flying too close to the tree or house trying to get a good shot, flying past the limits of the drone such as high winds or high terrain. Not following the complete checklist or being impatient waiting for the last satellite to kick in.... It's just like real aviation. If you don't do a preflight on your plane, obtain a WX brief and just hop in the plane and go you're destined to have an issue, eventually. Just because you've hopped in and flown just a few minutes away a hundred times without issue in the past doesn't mean that #101 is going to be the same.

Of course mechanical issues can arise enroute, things break and go wrong but the vast majority of most aviation issues is pilot error. Have a look at the back of an AOPA magazine where they analyze crashes.

As much as I am pissed off at DJI for jerking everyone around with this "release", "preorder", delay, delay, delay BS in order to get people locked in and unable to spend their money elsewhere I do believe that they produce good products and have thus far been satisfied with the quality of what I have received from them.

Recently when I had a "flyaway" with one of my PhantomV2+ it was very important for me to recover it because I NEEDED to know what happened in order to prevent it from happening in the future. I can't even call it a flyaway because it did NOT fly away. I put it up in conditions outside of its' capabilities and it was blown away. I hadn't calibrated the compass in a while which caused it problems in holding position and finding home point. I also launched on a 70% battery because " I was just going up for a quick video", something I had done 100 times before without issue.
I've had one fly away and it was clearly my own fault. I did an advanced calibration in the field while the Phantom was sat on the tailgate of my Range Rover. Bad idea.
I started up my Vision a few feet from my pc, had to do a few calibrations to get it back to normal.

I wont do it again. I was crapping myself seeing it do (and I think the wording is) the 'toilet bowl' effect when I was simply yawing it. AND seeing it bounce itself just off the ground when I was trying to land it. :oops:
Greetings all,
I read these posts with great enthusiasm and anticipation of the new product.

Thank you, carry on-
Transparency is the key.... DJI should come on here and tell everyone what the problem is with the delays. We've all shelled out a lot of cash to the dealers or directly to DJI preordering the inspire. That's a lot of money sitting in various bank accounts earning interest which would have better off in our own accounts I'm sure. I'm still excited to receive mine whenever that may be. But seeing as I ordered from the states and I live alls the way down in Australia I'm not holding my breath it will be before Jan 2015 comes to pass .

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I hope you have received your Inspire1. Was it much cheaper through the States.
Na I cancelled my order, lucky I did as it needs work from what I've read. I'm still liking the inspire, however i'l wait for version 2.0

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Honestly... I don't know what all the fuss is about. The first post on the thread makes no specific point or describes anything specifically.
I've flown for hours now over all kinds of terrain and in varied conditions. The performance of my Inspire, it's camera and gimbal have been satisfactory, if not downright amazing. Of course we all have seen this or that small issue that software updates should address but hey, that's to be expected to a degree, especially in a craft with such tight integration of so many "firsts" in the industry.

There have been a lot of comments about "built-in" restrictions limiting the craft to altitude, conditions and the sort, but for me flying legally and safely within reasonable guidelines is nothing if not prudent.

Tech support has better than ever since the Inspire launched.
Prices on older systems (than many of you say you prefer) re lower than ever
I see there is a big announcement coming out tomorrow. Looking forward to that.

One has to wonder, what there is to be so up in arms about.

Just sayin
Wanted to pass along some info to fellow dji enthusiasts. Earlier this afternoon we had a conversation with a major distributor for dji products in North America. The distributor stated that dji encountered a major issue with the inspire 1 last minute and are scrambling to resolve the problem. This very reliable source stated that a product manager within the Phantom line of quads revealed that the engineers working on the Inspire 1 lineup found that after shipping test units to testers around the world and gathering data back on these initial flights that there was significant and very VERY ( their words not ours ) worrisome problems with the Zenmuse Gimbal as well as the 4k camera that come attached to the quadcopter. There were also stated to be several significant software issues and again possible issues with the H frame folding and its effect on camera shake.

What the distributor was most concerned with was that dji is and has not shown transparency with its distributors or its customers regarding these problems. The distributor stated that at the very minimum their next four shipments from dji wont include any new product lines.

A one simple question? Did The major distributor for North America reviled his contribution to the problem.
Did he refused to accept any inspire orders from DJI,or did he suggested DJI to be transparent and address the problems in news letter?
I don't thing so.
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