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IOC Course Lock?

Sep 20, 2014
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Atlanta, GA
www.action4image.com ; http
Is anyone using Course Lock for video? It's the only IOC function we have right now and it seems like it would be good for single person video shooting. For those of you who haven't read about it, it separates the yaw and thus camera direction from the flight course direction. The right stick controls the position of the craft and the left stick the yaw/camera. You could easily do the same thing with two transmitters and independent camera control, but with IOC Course Lock one person could essentially do this. I have played with it a little bit but what I leaned is I need to spend some more time with it. It takes some getting used to. So just curious, has anyone found course lock useful for video?
Is anyone using Course Lock for video? It's the only IOC function we have right now and it seems like it would be good for single person video shooting. For those of you who haven't read about it, it separates the yaw and thus camera direction from the flight course direction. The right stick controls the position of the craft and the left stick the yaw/camera. You could easily do the same thing with two transmitters and independent camera control, but with IOC Course Lock one person could essentially do this. I have played with it a little bit but what I leaned is I need to spend some more time with it. It takes some getting used to. So just curious, has anyone found course lock useful for video?
I'm interested too.
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It can be useful, but I found that in the cases where it is it takes too much time to set up so I just train to get said shots with normal controls.
ive found that IOC is only as good as your compass calibration, and whereas your compass might be fine for normal flight, IOC only works well for say 100m then it drifts,
I found this with the phantom 2, I havent tried it on the inspire 1 yet.
Thanks for the input!! On my phantom, I can get close to the POI function by using Home Lock, setting the home point over the target, and then flying laterally and adjusting the yaw manually as it flies. Hopefully though, we will get the full IOC function set for the Inspire soon.
Page 60 of the version 1 manual seems to indicate that all you have to do is enable IOC in the app, and then flip the Flight Mode Switch to "F".

This enters IOC mode, but does it also turn on Course Lock?
I fly in CL a good bit with my other DJI airframes.
Once you get used to flying w.r.t. a L, R, Front, Back grid, it is a pretty good tool for yawing the cam/craft independent of the grid.
If you enable IOC, right now CL is the only choice you'll get...

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