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Apr 21, 2015
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Has anyone tested DJI GO w/pre-release IOS9? Just wondering since the update will drop today.

Thanks in advance!
Today iOS 9 came out and my business partner decided without telling me to install it on my iPad Air 2 and my phone. yes he knows my password lol. I'm just worried about issues with the app or something and seeing if anyone has used or seen problems? I cant fly for at least 2 -3 days due to rainy weather here thats been forecast ( i have no good sized indoor space to fly either) and I have a shoot coming up that I cant have issues on. Just trying to see if any problems before I go out.
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Kind of curious. Has anyone had some flights with the official released iOS 9 ?
I am asking because since I have upgraded to iOS 9, my DJI assistant app for Ronin-M does not work.
Kind of curious. Has anyone had some flights with the official released iOS 9 ?
I am asking because since I have upgraded to iOS 9, my DJI assistant app for Ronin-M does not work.
I did test fly my Inspire with latest IOS 9 on both ipad Air and Iphone 6. Everything worked as before, can't tell anything different other than character fonts.
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Kind of curious. Has anyone had some flights with the official released iOS 9 ?
I am asking because since I have upgraded to iOS 9, my DJI assistant app for Ronin-M does not work.
Same here..Go App works fine, DJI Assistant crashes immediately with my iPhone 5s. Called support yesterday and was told to try another device. Tried with my Air2/ios9- same result.
Everything OK, iOS 9 on iPad Air. Completed 2 flight last evening, No issues or crashes ;)
Same here..Go App works fine, DJI Assistant crashes immediately with my iPhone 5s. Called support yesterday and was told to try another device. Tried with my Air2/ios9- same result.

same here. assistant wont load. re loaded app with no luck.
Used it all day today on a job with no problems

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Enjoyed some flights yesterday on iOS 9, dual operator mode, using iPhone 6 for pilot and iPad Air 2 for camera operator.
Zero problems, DJI GO app performed as expected.
Using 9.1 iOS all good in both single and dual. I tend to air on the side of caution by going in flight mode and resetting prior to flight. In the passed with Betas I've found some apps can F&@k things up.

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Shot a job yesterday using Inspire 1 w/ dual RCs, iOS9.1 on one iPad Mini 2 (master) and 1 iPhone 5S (slave). No issues whatsoever. Used POI, Atti and P-GPS modes, all perfect.
On the iPad Mini 4, the log playback has issues as the arrow does not follow the path you've flown. The arrow stays at the home position and the yellow flight path moves while the arrow stays in the same position. Anyone else experiencing this?
On the iPad Mini 4, the log playback has issues as the arrow does not follow the path you've flown. The arrow stays at the home position and the yellow flight path moves while the arrow stays in the same position. Anyone else experiencing this?
That is now a known issue on all iOS 9.0 and iOS 9.0.1 devices on all DJI aircraft flight logs in the DJI GO app. Bummer!:eek:

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