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Is the I1 better than sex....

The first time I took it out it was kind of like my first time. I was very excited, nervous, and had no idea what I was doing. But once I landed, I felt great!
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Yes indeed. There's is something terribly wrong (really right) with us when we start talking about the sensual and exciting nature of the Inspire in these terms. I suspect all of us are over 45, have wives, and are trying to recapture the unbridled angst of our youth. Yes, I'm 53, and I'm guilty. I am truly Inspired, aroused, enticed, and seduced by the allure of a machine that has the ability to take me to new heights of ecstasy, beyond the horizon of pleasure, and ever deeper into total bliss. Certainly they will call us juveniles... little boys who have discovered something new and naughty. And I am naughty. Very, very naughty. I admit it. I have touched her blades, with the power to cut like a razor, not unlike the long nails of a beautiful woman. I have felt the sweet caress of her air blowing gently in my ear. I have heard her whine as I push her to the edge. I manipulate her to get what I must have. Yes, indeed... I am guilty. And with each tender touch of her controls, I feel young, alive, and Inspired.
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I'm still a virgin...I wouldn't know...hehe

Careful young buck! She's feisty... But once you have her in your grasp, she'll tremble with your every touch, she'll begin to whisper a siren's song! Take your time. Don't be in a hurry. She will respond to you when your time comes.
I have touched her blades, with the power to cut like a razor, not unlike the long nails of a beautiful woman. I have felt the sweet caress of her air blowing gently in my ear. I have heard her whine as I push her to the edge. I manipulate her to get what I must have. Yes, indeed... I am guilty. And with each tender touch of her controls, I feel young, alive, and Inspired.

Fifty shades of grey right there! Not that I would know. :)
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Will everyone stop this already ;-)

Any human being comparing the Inspire 1 to actual sensual pleasure is either seriously depraved or not with the right woman.

Sex is better, much much better. Holy crap gentlemen, how can you even compare both?
Having said this, the Inspire 1 costs a lot less in the long run ;-)

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