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Just did a Long Range Flight...

So are the new controllers putting out more power than the original one? So we could buy a new one and pair it to our inspire and get a range boost straight away?
Since OFCOM limit fixed antenna transmitting devices in the UK within the 2.4ghz spectrum to 100mW/20bBm EIRP the power is limited.
Additionally, the aircraft would have to be fitted with the uprated Lightbridge since everyone forgets the Inspire transmits as well as receives.
Thanks, the thread got hi jacked and I never found the answer!

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"Those of us that are licensed know the rules. Hobby people don't

Actually that is a rather broad statement, I am a hobbyist, I know the rules intimately, not only do I follow them, I set my own references to ensure 100% safety at all time. I am sure I am not the only hobbyist who is equally avast at reckless stupid flying!
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Looking to always learn something when I read.

Getting back to the OP's first post, ever since the thread was hijacked multiple times starting with post #3, the OP's screen shot info shows a maximum altitude of the flight. Putting aside the distance and location (over housing - but not over interstate/highway/freeway) of the flight, of which the OP got slammed for multiple times, the entire flight could have been well within (below) the accepted bench mark "safe" altitude of 400 feet. Is that not correct? No information is given regarding the continual flight altitude AGL, only the maximum altitude. Is that not correct? If I am interpreting the information and subsequent posts correctly, then there are several thread contributors that should be 'eating crow' and owe the OP a partial apology.

My flame suit is always on.
I agree. Thats the problem. They make it bad for the rest of us. Im in Australia and will dob anyone in I see breaking the rules. We make our living from this work. i won't let idiots spoil it for me.
There have been so many close calls here in the U.S. Some people just see this as a toy and that's a big problem!
There have been so many close calls here in the U.S. Some people just see this as a toy and that's a big problem!
The word 'toy' is real ambiguous. Some owners of $300,000 aircraft consider what they have as toys. Whether it's called a toy or not, has nothing to do with it.
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