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Keeping Track of the AC

Aug 10, 2015
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At any height over 150 feet I tend to lose sight of the AC, it's an Inspire 1. Is there any reason why I shouldn't spray paint the underside of the rotors fluorescent orange? I have a RC Power glider and painting the under side of the wingtips has not only helped with LOS but also with depth perception when navigating close to ground. Any opinions? T.
It's actually a good idea, just don't get carried away with too much paint. That will alter the balance of the props. Maybe the under-belly might be a better choice.
Too much going on with the ground sensors and gimbal to even think about spray painting the underside of the fuselage. T.
I wear glasses as well. I've taken my I1's up to the 400ft limit and can still see them with no problem. How ever, It's different with the Phantoms as they are much smaller. I have to use the lighting of the bird to navigate or view thru my monitor for ground location. Painting of he prop tips is not really recommended. However, I have seen some birds with them done. Just be sure you use a plastic spray paint and tape off the areas that you want to coat, but no more than 1 very lite coat for starters. If you have the availability to balance the props after painting, do so. Do not paint more than 1/2 inch from the tip, top and bottom. Good luck!!
Well noted Turbo.
Check out the thread about strobe lights..
there's a couple different types of strobes available. .
I use a high powered strobe with an external battery, but they have a cool strobe that straps to your arm with a built-in battery that would be very effective. ..
Near dark I can see my inspire from great distances ..
Mount two small strobes on your ac ..
they will help you keep your los and if you have a flyaway ,and you have another drone ,you can use the strobes to fly over and find your drone..
OK, I haven't yet delved into the guts of the I1 and don't really anticipate doing so, however; would it be possible to set up a small auxiliary power connection for add-ons such as strobes? I'm not really that handy with a soldering iron. Maybe DJI would consider such with some sort of (supplied) universal connector and perhaps a short informative video for the elderly and less competent? T.
OK, I haven't yet delved into the guts of the I1 and don't really anticipate doing so, however; would it be possible to set up a small auxiliary power connection for add-ons such as strobes? I'm not really that handy with a soldering iron. Maybe DJI would consider such with some sort of (supplied) universal connector and perhaps a short informative video for the elderly and less competent? T.
Hey tom...
personally I wouldn't leach onto the main power supply unless I was adding a secondary flight battery. ..
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I have 2 high end $50 each bike strobes with self contained lipos.
They are small and unbelievably bright in daylight far off, (and folks call cops about ufo at night lol)
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