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Kittyhawk.io Flight Logging

Aug 10, 2015
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Hey guys,

My name is Josh. I'm working on a drone app called Kittyhawk. It's an app for commercial operators to easily collect data, and manage a fleet of drones. It lets you keep track of battery cycles, maintenance, flight locations, times and duration. Most importantly, it gives you a comprehensive total flight time number to help you quantify your skill set.

It's free for individuals and it's available online at our website or in the app store.

If you have any feedback, we'd love to hear it. I've been doing this for over 15 years and Im obsessed with things that fly.

On our roadmap we have checklists, no fly zones, space weather, regular weather, and file handling capabilities. We're working night and day to make this the most comprehensive drone app for professionals.


Joshua Ziering
Founder, Kittyhawk.io
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Hi Josh
Just installed the Kittyhawk app and first impressions is very good. i have added a number of batteries and was able to insert their charge cycle numbers. My Inspire has flown over 7 hours but when I added the multirotor to the fleet, there was no option to declare the previous flight time. Am I missing something. I also logged into the website to edit the flight details there, but sadly could not find anything there either.
Can you help?
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Hey Willie!

Thanks for giving us a shot! We hadn't considered that someone would want to add previous time on an asset like a drone. Typically we assumed that once people started tracking, we'd be their first go at this. However, you bring up an excellent point. We'll be working this into future releases.

In the mean time, you can add a flight with a duration of whatever the total time on it is. For example, log a flight with 600 minutes (10 hours) and it will count towards total time. It's a little bit of a hack, but should work nicely for now. In the flight notes you'll want to make a note that says, "Carry Over Time"

Please let us know what else we can do to make it better! Space Weather forecasting and NOTAM/TFR notifications are the next feature to be deployed.

And please, leave us a good review in the app store.



Hi Josh,
Great news that you are developing this further. I look forward to checking these out when available. I have now added a few flights and wondered if it is possible to download the flights records as a CSV file for spreadsheet? I need to produce detailed flight times plus other parameters to the CAA for Permission for Aerial Work certification.

Hey Willie,

That's a great question. We have that option available in our paid plan, but not in our free plan. If you'd like all your flights on one page you can add /onepage to the end of the URL on the flights page.

You can email me at [email protected] if you have questions about going premium.



Hi Josh,
Great news that you are developing this further. I look forward to checking these out when available. I have now added a few flights and wondered if it is possible to download the flights records as a CSV file for spreadsheet? I need to produce detailed flight times plus other parameters to the CAA for Permission for Aerial Work certification.

I just started using Kittyhawk and can't believe there isn't more buzz about this app....Rarely do I pump my fist after downloading an app and opening it but KittyHawk is amazing.

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